Chapter 10. We all love ourselves some drama

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Mostly when it's not our drama to deal with.

Good morning, Upper East Siders. I can't say that I'm not happy to fill you in with all the dirt. There has been happening a lot the last couple of days.


Nate and Louis were standing in front of Dan and Serena's house. Serena left to follow Dan.

"Well... explain?!" Nate said furious.

"Easy. As I already said, Serena and I are engaged. I proposed to her last night and she did say ye..." Nate interrupted.

"Ho ho, let me stop you right there. You're telling me Serena said yes? That's impossible. How drunk was she?"

"Yes, well, maybe she had a few drinks but that doesn't take back the fact that she said yes." Louis said.

"She didn't know anything about the ring. Did you just put it on her vinger and pretended to get the answer, or what?!" Nate said and he came closer to Louis.

Louis took a few steps back, he didn't want another fist.

"No, she replied. She probably has a bad memory" he laughed. "Nathan, I don't have a problem with you nor Dan, I just want to be with the woman I love."

Nate rolled his eyes. "The woman you love?! Are you fucking kidding me? What, do you need me to hit you again? Is that what you're saying?" Nate said loudly and he pushed Louis.

"I'm out of here." Louis called a taxi.

"You're not gonna run from this one Frenchy." Nate screamed while walking to the frontdoor.

Nate got inside. He called Serena.

"Serena? Where are you, I'm coming" Nate said. On the other side of the phone it sounded really crowdy and there was a lot of noise. Nate could barely hear Serena.

"Nate? I'm following Dan, you don't need to come." Serena said with a hurry tone in her voice. "I just need to talk to him."

"Okay, be careful and good luck" Nate replied and he hang up.


Serena was driving, looking for Dan. She stalked him on the spotted map. He stopped at a café. Serena parked her car at the same café and got inside.

There he was, sitting at the bar with a beer in his hands. Serena walked towards him. He was looking at his phone so he didn't see Serena at first.

"Dan. Please, hear me out." Dan looked up and sighed. He didn't walk away, so that's better. "I know this is gonna sound odd and bad but this all started with Blair."

"I can't believe you, Serena. Are you really blaming your dead best friend for your own mistakes?!" Dan got up from the chair and tried to walk away but Serena stopped him.

"No, Dan, of course not. This all started with her ring from Louis" Serena said quickly. "Please sit down. They got bankrupted, the Grimaldi's got bankrupted and they needed her ring but it's gone so the only way was for me to pretend to be engaged with him and pretend to be married. I swear, Dan, I did not know anything about this ring on my finger." Dan looked at her hand.

A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now