Chapter 8. Things got more messed up

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It's funny how it's all your own fault.

If only Dan wasn't in Spain right now.. Maybe he could talk some sense into Serena.. and Chuck.. and William.. But first, let's go back to where it all got more messed up then it allready was. You guys couldn't be more confused.


"Well? Explain please. I didn't know anything. Why would Louis keep this a secret?" Beatrice kept going. "And what about Dan? I thought you were married to him. I don't think the papers lie?"

Chuck quickly spoke before Serena could reply.

"Dan and Serena are divorced. Louis kept it a secret because of Blair. They didn't want Blair to know about it." he said while looking at Serena. "But if you'll excuse us.. We need to speak to Louis."

"Ehm.. Okay.. He's in the penthouse.. 5th floor." she said confused while walking away. She grabbed her phone and called Sophie. She looked at how Serena and Chuck walked away and looked for an elevator.

"We'll just get to Louis and when we've spoken to him, we call this whole engagement off." Chuck said as they were standing in the elevator.

"You better hope Louis never knows about this." Serena said.

After a few minutes they reached the penthouse.

Chuck knocked on the door and a maid opened it.

"Hello. We're here to see Louis?"

"Come inside, kids. Close the door, will ya?" the maid said while leading them to the kitchen. "I was just making some food for Louis. You kids want some?"

"Oh.. no thanks. We just need to see Louis. Where is he?" Serena replied.

"He is in his room. Please bring him this, will ya?" she said while shoving the plate in Chucks hands.

"Thanks." he said when he looked confused at Serena.

They walked upstairs and looked for Louis's room. When they reached it they didn't even knock. They opened the door and found Louis sitting behind a desk, working on his computer. They were both shocked by all the pictures of Blair in his room. There were at least 5 photos of her hanging on the wall. Either he forgot to put them away or he was still obsessed with her. Either way, Chuck lost his tongue when he saw his wife hanging there.

"O my god." Serena said while looking around.

"Ehm.. Ever heard of knocking?" Louis said while standing up.

"Ever heard of moving on?!" Serena replied. She looked at Chuck and waited for him to give Louis the food. When he didn't, she grabbed the plate out of his hands and gave it to him herself. "This is for you."

"Thanks. But what are you here for?" Louis asked when he put the plate on his bed.

"What were you doing at Blairs funeral?" Serena asked. Chuck still didn't say a word.

"I spent a very big part of my life with her, we got married. She was my wife. Ofcourse I had to be there. We were in New York anyway so what was the harm by going?"

"Because you treated her so badly, you fucking idiot. You made the biggest mistake in your life by asking her to marry you! She belonged to me, you son of a bitch, and you knew that!" Chuck yelled at him as he tried to hit him. Serena stopped Chuck before he could do anything.

"Haha. Chuck, please. She was as inlove with me as I was with her. Don't deny it." Louis teased him. "Either way, I did want something from her. That's why we came to New York. My family.. we lost a lot of money. I want everything back that I gave Blair. Mostly her ring. The engagement ring."

A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now