Chapter 7. Life goes on

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But nobody told you it would be easy.

Blair and Chuck were laying in bed watching an Audrey Hepburn movie. Blair laying in Chucks arms.

"She's so beautiful.. She's such a woman." Blair said looking at the tv.

"Yes, well.. You're far more beautiful." Chuck said and then kissed her hair.

"Chuck. No one in the world is ever more beautiful then Audrey Hepburn." she said in a serious tone while looking at Chuck.

"You are." and then he kissed her mouth.

Then Blair looked at the blanket, then back at Chuck.

"O my god.. Chuck.. I think my water just broke.." she said with a scared face.

"You sure? Ehm.. we have to go to the hospital." he said while helping Blair out of bed. He grabbed everything he thought she needed and helped her to the limo. On their way he called Henry's school and asked if Henry could come.

The limo stopped at the nearest hospital and after Chuck had helped Blair out of the limo, the driver went back to pick up Henry.

After a while the contractions started. The doctor had just left and Chuck was holding Blair's hand.

"It's gonna be okay, dear." he whispered and then kissed her hand.

After a lot of contractions the doctor came.

"Ok, Blair. You're doing great. It's time" the doctor said while looking at Chuck and Blair. "The only thing you have to do now is push as hard as you can and don't give up, allright?"

Blair pushed and pushed. It took two hours but then the baby came.

The baby started crying and the doctors took her to the nursery room.

"Are you okay?" Chuck asked while putting his hand on her forehead.

Blair nodded.

After a little while one of the doctors came back with their little girl. He gave her to Blair.

"Oh, you're so beautiful." she said while she smiled at her.

"Chuck.. We haven't figured out a name yet.."

"You thought Bella was a pretty name, right?" he asked.

"Yes I really like Bella." she said while looking at their baby.

"Then.. that's her name. Bella.. I love Bella" he said softly. "As much as I love her mother, who just did an amazing job by bringing her into the world" he said and then kissed her.


Chuck woke up. The last couple of days he woke up from dreams with Blair. Although he felt sad after he woke up, he loved dreaming about her. It was the only way he could see her again.


Spotted: Bass back on his bad ways, having a drink with Nate. I never thought drinking would help the grieve. And then there is Serena walking down the streets, shopping at Bloomingdales and Gucci. All alone. Guess she's lonely now that she lost her shopping partner. And that's also the name of a store she visited. And about Dan, he's still working on his book and he still never fails at boring me.


Chuck ordered three more drinks while Nate was going to the toilet. One for Nate and two for himself. He quickly shotted one of his drinks when he saw Nate coming back.

"Here, man" he said while he shove one drink to Nate.

"Thanks. You should ease up on drinking, man."

A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now