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Messages - Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

Hey! Are you busy?


Not really. What's up?

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

So yknow that park on 8th?


The one by the old folk's home or the one by the high school?

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

Old folks
Leave it to San Diego to have two parks on the same street.


I want to murder whoever planned out the city map

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

I'm... gonna assume whoever that was is probably already dead

I hate it when you're right

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

I know you do.
ANYWAY, the park.


Right right yes. What's going on?

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

So my moms have been doing this thing where they make Kelly and I get out of the house at least once a day, right?



Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

Don't encourage it.
So usually we walk down to the park or we get ice cream or something, and it's just the two of us. But today she's all rambling about how one of her best friends agreed to meet her there today to hang out.
I'm literally going to get ditched by my own sister


Or you can do what my older sister did and just force them to let you hang out with them

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

While that sounds like...
I was actually just gonna invite a friend of my own


Am I that friend?

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

maybe :)


I'm flattered

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother

But ofc I totally get it if you're working or you have to stream or anything else


Well I do have to stream, but what time?

Kelly's Less-Cool Brother



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