Twenty-Seven | Slumber Party

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[ a/n : hi friends. here's an actually completely new chapter of busyhead! wow it feels like 2020. not beta read in true riley style ]

"PLEASE NEVER DO THIS AGAIN," Teagan requested as she settled down onto her couch next to Connor. She was undoubtedly in a good mood, and she was honestly quite excited to spend the evening with her friends, but she still would have appreciated some kind of warning.

Immediately, Connor hit a pout. For a second he looked like he was going to tease her, but then logic seemed to kick in. His mouth flattened into a frown. "Do you want us to go? I'm sorry, we really did think it would be a nice surprise," he apologized. Without even waiting for Teagan's answer, Mikey was beginning to scramble up from his position on the floor.

Teagan held her hands out to signal for both of them to stop, and it worked; Connor's voice trailed off almost immediately, and Mikey stopped in his tracks halfway towards her front door. After a brief moment, Teagan gave in to the laughter that was bubbling in her chest. "Of course I don't want you guys to leave. You're always welcome here, I just want a little warning next time," she explained with a small giggle.

Connor threw his arms around her, excitedly pulling her into a tight hug. "The best friend I've ever had, no competition," he declared boldly. Across the room, Mikey raised an eyebrow. Catching the expression, Connor rolled his eyes. "Okay. Some competition," he compromised. 

Mikey grumbled something under his breath, but didn't carry on with chastising Connor as he settled back into a comfortable position on the ground. Instead, he turned his attention to Teagan, his signature cheesy grin plastered across his face. "We really are lucky to be your friends," he admitted. Though Mikey was seldom anything other than genuinely kind, the adoring smile on his face was indisputable proof that every ounce of his love for her was honest.

Though simple in nature, the kind words of her friends still managed to catch Teagan off guard, and she had to fight back the happy tears the pressed against her sinuses. Other than Kalea, she hadn't had much luck with people who she met organically. She had always chalked it up to her own social ineptitude, or blamed her introverted nature for keeping her to herself. But now here she was, her friends invading her home and showering her with affection just because they genuinely enjoyed her company. It didn't seem like much, but after two decades of constantly doubting herself, their friendship changed a lot for her. She finally realized that she had never been incapable of forging meaningful relationships, she just hadn't met the right people yet.

There was a tentative knock on the front door, which Mikey all but leapt to his feet to answer it. He opened the door for Ben, who took the time to leave his shoes and windbreaker by the door before walking any further into the apartment. A bright smile curved onto his lips once he stepped into the room, his eyes falling immediately to their host. "Hi Teags. Thanks for having us over," he greeted warmly.

Connor and Mikey exchanged a short look that, when combined with Ben's choice of words, gave Teagan the impression that they had very much not told him that their visit was going to be a surprise. The pieces fell into place, and Teagan, forgetting common courtesy, ignored Ben's greeting to instead turn and punch Connor in the arm. "THAT'S why you made Ben take your car! You're the worst!" she chastised, trying her best to hide the humor that was bubbling in her chest.

For a moment, Connor looked just as confused as Ben, who had frozen in the middle of the living room, watching the sudden conversation unfold with wide eyes. The expression on Teagan's face must have given way to some sort of realization of defeat, as within seconds Connor's shoulders had slumped. He glanced innocently up and over at Ben, wincing as he said, "We kinda lied to you, Benny. Teagan didn't invite us over, we stopped by as a surprise." 

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