Twelve | Kate Chopin

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"YOU WOULD BE SO MUCH MORE FUN IF YOU WEREN'T... THE WAY THAT YOU ARE," Tommy teased, his tone painfully serious. If the words had come from anyone else, in that tone, Teagan might have actually cried. But she knew enough about her new acquaintance that he usually didn't mean any harm by what he said.

"Tommy!" Phil nearly shouted. He sounded like he was at a loss for words, his voice coming in an exasperated huff. "You can't just say that to people!"

Tommy scoffed in offense, as if Phil had somehow fabricated the idea that this was his fault. "What? I didn't do anything!"

Phil muttered something incoherently disappointed. When he sounded like he was going to chastise the boy again, Teagan let out a small giggle that made both of them stop. Phil's surprise at the entire situation only magnified. "How are you laughing?"

Teagan shook her head to herself, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Because it's Tommy, Phil. I don't think he genuinely meant to attack my character. He likes to say things to get a reaction, but never really because he's genuine. He's far too nice, regardless of what he wants us to think, to actually hurt someone like that."

There was a breath of silence, until Tommy grumbled, "Don't talk about me like I'm not here." He was immediately shushed by Phil, who, regardless of Teagan's explanation, was still disappointed with him.

"She's right, you know," Techno's voice added. "Phil, I thought you'd know by now that everything Tommy says is just a character." There was another break before Techno quietly began, "And besides..."

Despite the three other streamers silently waiting for him to, he didn't finish his sentence. Tommy began to change the subject, but Teagan didn't let him. "Just one sec, okay Tommy? What were you saying, Techno?"

Techno swallowed before brushing off the question. "Nevermind. I'm not sure where I was going with that."

Teagan wasn't completely appeased by that explanation, but she was in no place to pry. She hummed a small "okay" before allowing the subject to change. "Go ahead, Tommy."

Tommy began to speak, but forced himself to stop. When he spoke again, Teagan could visualize the annoyed crease in his brow, and the frown on his lips. "Why the fuck are you so polite. Don't you ever just want to yell at people?"

His question made both Techno and Phil laugh, but Teagan just smiled endearingly. "Sure, sometimes I guess. But that's not really who I am."

"Because you're actually a calm human being," Phil translated with a small laugh.

Tommy blew out a raspberry. "Boring. I bet you do nothing but read books and drink coffee." When Teagan was silent, the younger stream let out a bark of laughter. "Wait no, tell me that isn't true."

Teagan's felt her cheeks redden. "Well, it isn't all I do..." she quietly elaborated.

Uninterested in her explanation, Tommy kept going. "I bet you know like every book ever written, huh? Don't you study English? Quick, what's your favorite book."

"Pride and Prejudice," She, Phil, and Techno all answered in unison. Teagan scoffed, "Well he wasn't asking you guys."

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