Twenty-Five | Line Without a Hook

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[ a/n : it's 2:48 am by the time i've finished this. this chapter is 6,145 words long. i'm so sorry. ]

"SO. THIS ONE... THIS ONE IS A DATE?" MINA ASKED CAUTIOUSLY, TRYING HER VERY BEST NOT TO FOLLOW THE SAME ARGUMENT THAT THEY HAD LAST TIME. She was on FaceTime with her younger sister, watching with a humored smile as the girl threw shirt after shirt across the room.

Teagan let out an annoyed grunt. "I don't know! I don't know anything anymore! I don't understand signals or flirting or feelings but I want him to think I'm pretty so help me." At this point, she was desperate. Getting dressed was officially the most difficult thing she had ever had to do. To begin with, she owned no cute clothes, and even if she did, how was she supposed to articulate an outfit that was nice, without being overly formal. It was a dangerous game, and she had no idea how to play it.

Mina disagreed wholeheartedly, as evident from the way she rolled her eyes. "Those cute light wash jeans, the champagne colored blouse mom sent you last year for Easter, and my brown leather jacket that you stole. Done. Go get dressed."

Teagan thought for a moment, staring at the jacket in her closet with deliberation. After a minute, she shrugged. She certainly didn't have the energy or concentration to pick anything different, and the outfit was cute enough. She had only worn that exact combination of clothing once, and the pictures were still up on her Instagram to prove it.

She continued the FaceTime with her sister as she did her makeup, listening as Mina gave her any and all advice she could think of. "Overall, just don't get so caught up trying to make things perfect that you forget to enjoy yourself. You're hanging out with him because you like him. Don't accidentally ruin it for yourself. You deserve it."

Teagan sucked in a deep breath, nodding as her sister spoke. "Right, right. Thanks, Mina."

"Mhm," Mina hummed, a small smile on her lips. "Oh, and kiss him at midnight."

Teagan rolled her eyes, ending the FaceTime without any other comment. Mina sent her a teasing text immediately after, but Teagan dismissed it, choosing to focus on getting her makeup and hair to sit properly instead. Everything was going perfectly well, until one of her contacts fell out halfway through curling her hair, slipping through the drain before she could grab ahold of it. She sighed, and began her search for the box that her contacts came in, only to remember that she had thrown it out that morning after putting the last two in her eyes.

She let out a deep breath, removing her remaining contact. "Glasses it is," she grumbled to herself. At least seventeen year old Teagan had been wise enough to buy the ones with cute frames. If she was going to look like a nerd, she could at least pass as a cute one.

By the time Teagan was leaving her apartment, it was just before half past three. A five minute walk, plus two hour and eleven minute train ride, faded into a ten minute Uber, and of course, just under four minutes to mentally prepare herself, would have her that at almost exactly six o'clock.

Because that's how normal people planned, right?

On her walk to the train station, she couldn't resist checking her phone. When she noticed that the only new message she had was from her sister, she blew out a hot breath. For a moment, she debated just slipping it back into her pocket. But she just couldn't resist.

Messages - Techno


LA is a lot further than it should be.


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