Thirty-Two | Pre-Birthday Planning

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[a/n : this one got chopped short! sorry about it]

WHEN TEAGAN WOKE UP A FEW DAYS LATER, IT WAS NOT ON HER OWN ACCORD. She had failed to turn her computer off the night before, just as she had forgotten to take her contacts out and change into her pajamas. She had been up late working on what seemed to be an endless stream of assignments, and by the end of it, she was so exhausted she had nearly conceded to falling asleep at her desk. And though she looked like a mess, and her eyes were killing her, those things didn't bother her.

It was the obnoxiously loud Discord notification that bothered her.

She wanted to roll over and fall back asleep, but by that time she was fully awake and cognizant of the fact that there was nothing comfortable about her current state. She groaned, annoyed to be up so early on a day when she didn't have class. She didn't even check the notification that presented her rude awakening. She had more important things to take care of.

Once she had saved her eyes from her contacts, wiped her face of the prior day's makeup, and, of course, showered, she returned to her desk. She brushed her wet hair out of her face, humming as she looked through her messages. She wasn't surprised to see Nico's name as the reason for her rude awakening.

Messages - Neeksy<3


Teags my dear.
What are we doing for your birthday?


I haven't decided yet, really.
Do you have any ideas?


I wish I could fly out :(
Would you wanna stream? Or is that reserved for bf


Bf and I have not really talked about it, honestly.




Hahaha, yes...
He officially asked me a few days ago


Teags I'm so happy for you dude.


Thank you Neeks.
Honestly, we are kiiiiinda being lowkey about it.


I hear you loud and clear my friend.
My lips are sealed.


So anyway, yes, a birthday stream sounds great


Maybe we can get a bunch of people?
Make a thing out of it?
You know me, Techno, Ben, and Kalea are all on board, no doubt.


I might even be able to convince Mina.

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