Twenty-Eight | Baby's First Stream

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[ busyhead in 2024?
disclaimer ; fuck wilbur soot ]

WHEN TEAGAN AWOKE THE NEXT MORNING, IT WASN'T OF HER OWN WILL. While granted, it was a quarter to nine, and she felt plenty well rested, she still felt herself groan as she pushed herself out of bed. The knocking on her bedroom door was polite, but annoying all the same. Rubbing her eyes with one hand, she managed to remember to grab her glasses off of her desk with the other. She tucked them onto her nose, blinking a few times to adjust to being awake and able to see. Once she felt somewhat conscious, she opened her door. In an instant, she regretted her initial annoyance.

In the morning sunshine, with messy hair and a bright green backpack, Ben Kisler looked absolutely adorable. So much so, that Teagan genuinely could not help the small laugh that rose in the back of her throat. Hearing the noise, Ben tilted his head. "Are you laughing at me?" he asked incredulously.

Immediately, Teagan shook her head, "No." When Ben just stared at her disbelievingly, she further insisted upon her innocence. "No, I wasn't," she promised.

Unmoved, Ben hummed a small mhm by way of response. Agreeable as ever, he chose to let her behavior slide without any further pressing. "I just wanted to be polite and let you know we were leaving." As he explained, Teagan's gaze traveled over his shoulder for the first time, noticing her other two disheveled friends standing groggily behind him. Catching her gaze, Mikey limply raised one of his hands in a small wave.

Rubbing a hand along the length of her face, Teagan shook herself completely awake. She joined her friends in the living room before walking them to the doorway, making sure to give each of them hugs on their way out. Connor and Mikey were first, both seemingly eager to get home to their showers, despite their intendedness on staying the night in the first place.

Ben, however, lingered in the doorway, a conflicted expression painted on his face. Having gotten quite good at reading him, Teagan wasted no time in raising her concerns, "Everything okay?"

For a short moment, Ben regarded his friend with measure surprise. Then a polite smile unfolded on his lips, his cheeks reddening. "Yeah, just..." he took a minute to collect himself, and the said simply, "thanks, Teagan."

It was Teagan's turn to regard him with confusion, her eyebrows raising at the random expression of gratitude. She had already multiple times excused their attempts at saying thank you (and apologizing) for staying the night. Between that, and then sincerity of his expression, Teagan couldn't help but assume his gratitude was for something else entirely. 

Rather than interrogate him on what he meant, she chose to just smile. "You're always welcome, Ben," she reassured. After another small hug, Ben excused himself down the hallway after their friends.

Clicking the lock on her front door into place, Teagan considered for just a second the possibility of returning to sleep. Sensing that it would probably be more wasted time tossing and turning than actually resting, she deferred to the kitchen, taking a couple of slow-moving minutes to prepare a mug of tea. While it steeped, she retrieved her phone from where it had been charging on her desk over night. 

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