Thirteen | LA, the First Time

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IT HAD BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE TEAGAN HAD GONE OUT. Not because of the pandemic, just sort of in general. Even before quarantine she hadn't made it a habit, choosing to stay in and stream or write as much as possible. While normally that presented zero challenges whatsoever, there was one thing that she hadn't planned for.

She had forgotten how to dress.

She wore leggings and hoodies to classes and her uniform to work. Around the house she stuck to comfy shorts and t-shirts. Even when she met Ben at the park, all she had thought to put on was jeans and her nice coat. But LA wasn't the park, and knowing Eret, there would be a picture of her on Twitter by the time she got home.

She spent almost fifteen minutes going through her closet on Friday morning, searching desperately for something that was the slightest bit cute. She could wear a t-shirt and a coat, or just pick a sweater and hope the wind didn't pick up. With an internal groan, she opened up the weather app on her phone. It looked like it was supposed to be a relatively nice day, so she reached for the sweater.

Getting full-face ready at 9 am was nothing new to Teagan -- in fact, she was used to earlier than that. Opening shifts were a bitch, but they trained her well. She was dressed and primped within the hour.

As she sat down at her kitchen counter to have a cup of coffee and a piece of toast, she pulled up the Amtrak website. She had checked the time table for the transit almost ten times already, and of course, it hadn't changed once. She knew exactly what time she had to leave to get there precisely fifteen minutes early so that she wouldn't have to worry about getting through the ticket checker.

That didn't stop her from checking it one more time, just in case.

Of course, nothing had changed. With a sigh of relief, she closed out of her browser. She was surprised to see the small red 1 beside her discord app. Her mornings were usually lonely, with most of her friends not up that early. She was curious to see if it was just a message she had missed from the night before.

It was. From 2 am, no less.

Direct Messages - Technoblade

2:13 am


Is The Sun Also Rises any good?
If you've read it, of course.

9:34 am


Sorry! Just seeing this.
I've read it twice. It was better the second time.
Whether or not it's good, I can't really say. I sort of liked it, but I'm all about character over plot. The plot isn't incredibly interesting, other than the dramatic love problems, so if that's what you typically like, then I wouldn't recommend it.

She didn't expect him to answer right away, and he didn't. If he was up at 2, then he was probably up much later, and he would be sleeping well into the afternoon. It seemed to be a common sleep schedule among her streamer friends. She could never do it.

When she finished with her tiny breakfast, she washed her dishes and stopped to make sure she had everything. Wallet and sunglasses were there, as were her keys, mask, pepper spray, and cellphone. All that was left to do was slip on her shoes and walk two blocks to the station.

Morning walks were always much more peaceful than the jaunts she had to take home at night from work. The air was crisp, and there were less people driving by. She passed a few people who she nodded at just to be polite, and saw someone from her apartment building with their dog who actually earned themselves a wave.

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