Twenty-One | Bloomsbury

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[ a/n : lol good morning. four updates in 16 hours is nuthin. ]

TEAGAN'S PLANS TO SLEEP IN WERE IN VAIN. She was awoken at half-past seven by her phone buzzing on her bedside table. She scrambled for her glasses, haphazardly throwing them on so that she could actually read the caller id on her phone. Edie Schween. Teagan furrowed her eyebrows, a pit of anxiety opening up in her stomach. Whatever it was that Edie was urgently calling about so early in the morning, she couldn't imagine it was good.

She answered the phone before it rang too long, holding it up to her ear. "Hello?" she asked in a yawn. Her voice was still gruff with sleep, and her throat was scratchy. She rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her sleepshirt.

"Good morning Teagan! I knew I'd wake you. Gosh, I'm sorry. But I just couldn't wait," the older woman gushed. There was an excitement in her tone that confused the hell out of Teagan. She wished she could figure out what it was that Edie needed to tell her so desperately.

Teagan did her best to clear her throat, trying to sound a bit more like her normal self. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to being up this early," she reassured with a light laugh. Edie laughed as well, but didn't say anything in fear of interrupting her client. Teagan hummed as she sat up in her bed. "So? What was it that you needed to talk to me about?"

Edie's excitement was palpable. "Your title, Teagan. Remember how I told you that you had such a captivating title?"

Teagan nodded before she realized the woman couldn't see her. "Yes, I remember," she awkwardly offered. It was one of the first things Edie had said when they began working together. Never judge a book by its cover, but always judge it by its title.

"Well, I was right. As I usually am," she gloated. Teagan felt her tired eyes narrow in confusion. She wasn't sure what to say, until Edie picked her excitement back up. "It is captivating, Teagan. So captivating it bought itself a spot at the top of Bloomsbury Publishing's pile. They reviewed it immediately, and their head editor loved it."

There was silence. The words clicked together to form a proper sentence, but Teagan's sleepy brain was slow to comprehend it. Edie let out a sigh.

"You're getting published, Teagan. Bloomsbury's offered to pick your book up." She felt as though she were spelling it out for her, and while she usually had all the patience in the world, her own excitement was keeping her from staying soft with the tired girl. "Teagan! Say something!"

But Teagan couldn't. She was shell-shocked, sat in her bed staring blankly at the wall in front of her. She couldn't tell if she was awake at all, or if she would wake up in three hours to a call from Kalea, and this would all have been a dream.

It felt so real. But it couldn't possibly be real.

"Teagan, are you there?" Edie's voice brought her back to reality, snapping her out of her daze.

Teagan cleared her throat, "I'm here, I'm just... I'm confused, Edie. It takes publishers months to get to all of their submissions, and even longer to review them. It's been, what, twenty days? It doesn't make any sense."

Edie couldn't help but laugh softly at the girl's disbelief. "I thought you might think like that, you pessimist you. Your book is good, Teagan. I've been telling you that all along. I knew you'd get published, but even I was amazed to hear back from Bloomsbury so soon. Although, I had sort of contacted them before you were quite finished."

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