Three | Training Day

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TEAGAN LEFT HER PROFESSOR'S CLASSROOM FEELING AWFUL. So much studying, all for naught. The minute the paper was down on her desk, she forgot every single thing she had read. Ninety percent of her answers were based on her personal reasoning rather than genuine facts. The only saving grace she might have was the supplemental essay, the first draft of which she finished in class and would be able to revise in the following days. By the time she got back to her apartment, she couldn't tell if she wanted to cry or throw her textbook through her window.

She threw herself onto her couch, ignoring the way her coat wrinkled beneath her. It was a nice coat, and any other day she would take great care of it, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Hell, she was willing to shower fully clothed if it would make her feel better.

Her stomach growled, but she ignored it. She rested her head against the backrest of the couch, her eyes squeezed shut. Birds chirped loudly on the windowsill on the far side of the living room, reminding her of the beautiful, bright day she was missing out on. Sometimes she was really, really tempted to drop out, but then she remembered 16-year-old Teagan gushing to her favorite teacher about how she couldn't wait to get her degree and make a difference in the literary world, and she held on.

But oh man was it tempting.

Teagan was prepared to sit on her couch, unmoving for the rest of her life, but she was pulled from her angry stupor by the gentle pinging of her phone in her pocket. With an annoyed huff, she opened her eyes and stretched to tug the device from her jeans. She immediately felt bad for being so annoyed at the notification when she noticed it was from Eret.

Direct Message - The_Eret


Hey Teagan! We're gonna be in the lime MCC voicechat training today and would love for you to join us so we can get the whole squad in there! HBomb and I are streaming, Techno is also here.


Sounds like fun! I just got out of class, so could you give me a few minutes to get things situated?


Ofc! Take your time!


I'll be there soon!

Feeling just a little bit lighter, Teagan finally forced herself off of her couch. She hung up her coat and kicked off her shoes before retreating into her bedroom. She changed her jeans for sweats while her computer warmed up, and grabbed her water bottle from her nightstand. She sat down at her desk and did her best to put away the sinking feeling weighing down her shoulders. She let out a shaky breath as she opened Discord. She decided on a whim that she wouldn't stream -- she simply didn't have the energy, and if she at any point started crying, she didn't need her viewers to be able to see it.

She opened Minecraft on her main monitor while she joined the call on the other. She joined to near silence, save for a quiet, focused discussion happening between H and Eret. Neither of them said anything, clearly having been too focused on their practicing to hear the entrance chime. Teagan was almost afraid to speak out of turn, knowing that neither of them would get mad at her, but still fearful of messing them up somehow. She didn't make a sound until she felt her nose itch, and after ten painful seconds of puckering, she let out a quiet, muffle sneezed. She was greeted with a deep voice.

"Bless you. And also hello," Techo murmured kindly, taking Teagan by surprise. He didn't sound caught off-guard at all, leading her to believe that he had been fully aware of her presence the entire time. She didn't know exactly how to take that. She figured it wasn't just him being rude -- he didn't seem to be that kind of person -- but rather maybe he felt just as awkward as she did about them not knowing one another.

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