16. Pain

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"She still hasn't come back... I can't feel or hear her... What if she left us for good?" Marko was still anxiously pacing around since they had returned to the cave after Max was done tearing them a new one.
"Stop worrying so much. Amy isn't stupid. Give her time to calm down. She has just changed, her emotions are all over the place, she just lost her cousin and then Max drops the bomb. You'd be upset too. She'll come around." Dwayne didn't even look up from his book. In a fit Marko grabbed the book and tore it from his brother's grip, mad about the dark haired vampire being so calm when Amy was somewhere out there, all by herself, still new to this life and hurting beyond compare. Dwayne looked up at his brother in annoyance. He could understand Marco's feelings, it wasn't like he didn't worry about their girl but he trusted her to be safe and make the right decisions.
"Give me back my book."
"Fuck you! You really just going to sit there and wait?! I'm heading out for her!" Marko flung the book across the cave which brought him another one of Dwayne's death glares. Nobody messed with his books.
"You will not be heading out, Marko." David had finally returned to the cave, Max had insisted he stayed back after the others went home and then he had been all over town in search for Star and Laddie since they had both vanished from the cave. "It's almost dawn, you cannot go out now. Dwayne is right. Amy's smart, she will know to keep away from sunlight. She might even need a few days to come around."
"Any luck finding Laddie? I swear if anything happens to him I will have Star's head this time...", Dwayne growled. He had been furious when they returned and the boy was gone. Before any of them could say something about it they all felt a short jolt of pain go through their body. Maybe a little more than pain, it had been almost like a cry for help one second and then radio silence again.
"Hey, you guys felt that too, right?", Paul asked from his spot on the old fountain.
"Amy..." All of them had spoken in unison as they were well aware of whose emotions just bolted through them.
"There is nothing we can do now. The sun is rising."


I woke up from being violently shaken. It took me forever to open my eyes. They felt so heavy, in fact my whole body felt like it weighed tonnes. It was a mind numbing heaviness that tried pulling me back to sleep.
"Amy.... Please, wake up..." The little whiny voice finally got to me and with a little struggle I finally managed to open my eyes and focus on my surroundings. Laddie was sitting in my lap, curled up against me in a little scared ball.
"Hey. It's okay, I am awake." I put my arms around the boy and felt him relax a little.
"I was so scared, Amy. You didn't move for hours after they hit you in the head." I tried to comfort him until he stopped shaking, just whispering soothing nothings into his ear. I took a look around. We were in some kind of attic room, spacious with a bed and posters on the wall. I scrunched up my nose when I smelled Michael all over the place. Sunlight was flooding most of the room since nobody cared to bolt up the big window. At least that explains why my body feels so heavy. I am not supposed to be awake at this hour...
"Hey Laddie, can you tell me what happened after I passed out?" He turned in my lap so that he was facing me and watched me with big teary eyes.
"Michael picked you up and brought you to his room. When he came back down he and Star started yelling at each other and I wanted to sneak out and get Dwayne. I wanted to help you... Star saw me and didn't let me go. She was so mean and then she said that I don't have to ever go back. That I don't have to see my brothers again. Amy, she wants to hurt them! I don't want to be here. I want my brothers!" It broke my heart to see him hurting like this. After all he was still just a kid and didn't understand why all of this was happening and why Star wanted to hurt his family so bad. I took his hands in mine and tried to calm him down.
"What happened then? I know it isn't fair to make you tell me but I need to know Laddie."
"Michael picked me up and brought me up here too. You were lying on the floor and not breathing or moving. I was so scared. He pushed me in and locked the door. I couldn't open it and he put something very heavy in front of it... I am so sorry Amy! I couldn't save you!!!" He threw his arms around my neck and started sobbing again. I hugged him close and reassured him that I wasn't mad and that I was so proud of him for being so brave.
There must be something we can do. We have to warn the boys... I don't know what Michael and Star have planned but they cannot get to them before we do. But how are we supposed to leave with the sun high up? I'll be a pile of dust before we even make it out the window.

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