4. Painful memories

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It had been about two weeks now since me breaking up with Devin and luckily I hadn't seen him ever since those bikers had removed him from the diner. I was feeling better now that all of his stuff was gone from the apartment and I had burned all of our pictures.

"Come on Amy. Get dressed already. If you take much longer we will only be able to stand somewhere in the back and won't see anything. Corey and Leyla are probably already there." I rolled my eyes at Shelly and made my way over to my dresser. She had talked me into going to the boardwalk this evening. There was a concert scheduled at the stage down on the beach.

I put on black leather pants and a white crop top. I decided that I would let my hair just fall down freely. I pulled out some of my self-crafted jewellery and slipped into my old biker boots which had once been a gift from my father.

"I'm done." I watched Shelly finish her make-up. I had stuck to the basics, only some mascara and eyeliner.

"Tell me Shell, why did I have to go out with you and your friends?" She gave me an annoyed look.

"Because I can't take those puppy dog eyes and your bad mood anymore. I know you feel betrayed and you have every right to, but I am afraid that if you keep going you will end up in rehab once more." I looked at her and let out a long sigh.

"Fine. But I'm not staying with you guys the whole time. I don't know how long I can put up with Coreys' stupid laughter and annoying jokes." She shrugged to that and told me that it was fine by her as long as I left the house for not only work.


"Cut it out already, Paul!", he growled at his brother baring his teeth. He had been trying to fix the bike for about half an hour now. Normally it wouldn't have taken more than ten minutes but since his brother was constantly going on about this girl and not reacting when he asked him to hand him another wrench, it would take him for forever. He just had about enough of it. He loved his brother but there was just so much he could take. A strong and well-placed kick and Paul wasn't sitting on the chair anymore but on the stony ground.

"Hey! What did I do?" The blonde looked at him confused.

"I said hand me the wrench your ass is so comfortable sitting on and shut the hell up if you want your bike fixed by the end of the century." He gave another annoyed groan when Paul still looked at him dumbfounded.

"You're still going on about that chick from the diner, Pauly?" Marko jumped down letting go of one of his birds in the process. Paul gave his brother a smug grin, he knew exactly that Marko was just as excited about her as he was.

"I just don't get why you are getting all worked up about some waitress. Drain her already and leave me out of it." The always calm vampire stated and gave Laddie a smile when the boy came to him, carrying the tool Paul was supposed to hand him.

"Thanks buddy. Come on down here and let me show you how it's done." The boy went down onto his back and slid under the bike next to his favourite brother. He paid close attention to how Dwayne was fixing the lower engine mount.

"Come on, Dwayne. There is just something about her... Ask Marko if you don't believe me." A snort came from under the bike while the dark-haired vampire showed Laddie which nut to tighten with the wrench in his small hands.

"What is that sound supposed to mean?" Marko asked looking down on the unequal couple underneath Pauls' bike.

"It means that the two of you are always trying to get under some chicks' skirt. So forgive me if I am sceptical about how special this one can be. Okay buddy, let me tighten it once more and then we are done." Both Marko and Paul looked at their brother and started laughing.

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