8. You already know

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Slight warning: I tried to impliment my opinion on vampire pack dynamics here without being overly explicit just yet. In my opinion the normal rules of physical contact and relationships don't apply to vampires due to their long lifespan. In my view it doesn't matter so much to them what gender somebody has because if you live that long the charakter of a person is much more important. I know not everbody will agree with that, so if you cannot tolerate that I don't stick with conventional rules of relationships in this chapter and the following: don't read and don't hate.


He landed back up on the bridge next to his brothers. The unconscious girl in his arms. Marko and Paul were laughing and held up an equally unconscious Michael. He hadn't jumped on his own. He fell because he couldn't hold on anymore.

"What a chicken. He screamed louder than our girl." Paul just couldn't stop laughing. David gave him a short look.

"Still. I didn't want it to go down like that. It shouldn't have been like that. She deserved more than that asshole shoving his tongue down her throat.", the eldest of the four vampires growled. His brothers nodded in silent agreement.

"So why do we have to deal with him?" Marko complained and let go off the motionless boy.

"You know why." Dwayne answered dryly and looked down at the girls' peaceful face.

"Yeah... Because Max now wants to play house with this dimwits' mother. And where are we in all this?" His brothers could tell Marko was getting frustrated. It wasn't the first time a change in the family dynamic seemed to leave him on the outside.

"It is only until he makes his first kill. Until Max has changed his mother and brother. After that it will be like always. The occasional awkward family meeting and apart from that we do what we want. It won't change anything for our family!" David had taken a hold of Markos' face and leaned his head against the younger vampires'. Marko closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"I can't lose our family. I can't lose you! And I can't let Max take her from us." His eyes were determined. He felt Pauls' arms tighten around his chest.

"You won't lose us, idiot. And we won't let him take Amy. She belongs with us. Same as you do." Marko let out a deep growl when Pauls' fangs graced over his jugular. A smack to the back of his head made him laugh and retreat from his brothers' throat.

"You know, she was right. You are an animal." Dwayne's' voice was a low purr.

"Yeah, you know how much of an animal I can be.", was Paul's' answer.

"Okay boys. Cut the flirting, we're heading home. Paul, drop off Michael." David cut in before his brothers could go further. Normally he wouldn't stop them but they needed to get rid of the boy.

"We're taking her back with us?" Dwayne asked, still carrying their soon to be sister. David thought about it for a while.

"Yes. I would feel better to have her close by when she wakes up. Since you were the one to take care of her, it would be best if you stay with her in one of the spare rooms." A sharp glare at Marko had him bite back the comment he was to give about Dwayne staying with the girl.

Paul and Dwayne both jumped up to fly to their destination. David and Marko would take care of the bikes and meet up at the cave later on.


I felt dizzy when I slowly woke up. I didn't know how much time had passed since jumping off the bridge. I opened my eyes. I didn't recognize the room. There were stony walls and candles all over, some lit and some already burned down. I let my face fall down into the pillow again.

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