11. Gone

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I woke up again the next evening around sundown. I rolled over bumping into something solid. I immediately recognized the scent and let out a sigh.

"So you really meant it..." I muttered while burying my face in Dwayne's' chest. I assumed he was still asleep for he wasn't moving.

"I told you I would, princess." I flinched a little at hearing his rough voice. With a low growl he tightened his grip on me again and I liked the feeling of his bare chest against my exposed skin. Wait, what? I pulled away and looked down, instantly feeling very embarrassed.

"Dwayne? Where is my dress?" I shrieked and turned bright red.

"I took it off after you fell asleep and put it in the washing machine. It had blood all over. No way I would let you sleep in that." Without opening his eyes he pulled me, back first, back into him. I relaxed a little bit until he started to playfully nip at my neck with his human teeth.

"Stop that, big boy. Or I will throw you out right away." He let out a short laugh against my skin before pulling away and sliding out of the bed.

"I assume now that you are feeling better you want to go back to thinking about all of this." He just looked at me while slipping his jacket back on. There was no accusation in his eyes. He just understood what was going on.

"I told Marko yesterday, as much as I miss you guys, I need some space to think properly." I looked into his dark eyes, hoping that he understood.

"You don't need to explain anything to me. You are ours. It doesn't matter how much time you need, you will come along." Dwayne leaned down and gave my forehead a kiss.

"And what does that mean? How am I yours?" He shook his head and told me that David would explain that soon enough. I pulled the blanket tight around myself before walking him to the door.

"Promise that you will try to stay out of trouble. And that you will come find us as soon as the cramps start again." I nodded and got up on my toes to press my lips against his once more.

"One more thing. I think this belongs to you. Found it next to my bike a few nights back." I looked in my palm a little taken aback. Lying there was the earring I had lost. I raised my head to thank him but he was already gone.

I retreated into the apartment and went for the phone to give Maria a short call.

"Video Max, you're speaking to Maria. What can I help you with?" Her voice seemed kind of hollow over the phone.

"Hey, it's me. Just wanted to let you know that I am okay. Probably was just something I ate." I could make out a sigh of relief on the other side of the line.

"That's good to know, girl. Max and I were kind of worried, especially since one of them took you away..." I had assumed that she told Max what had happened. I had almost expected him to call me himself just to make sure I was alright.

"Everything was alright. Marko got me to see a doctor and then dropped me off at home. I slept the whole day, that's why I am calling now and not any sooner. By the way... You haven't seen my cousin Shelly, have you? Her room looks just like when I last left the house, so I don't assume she has been home in the last two days. And she didn't leave a note, so I am starting to worry a bit." There was a short silence on Marias side and I heard some shuffling.

"Sorry. Had to get rid of that customer. No, I haven't seen Shelly. Are you sure she wasn't home while you slept?"

"I am sure. She would have left at least a note or something. See you tomorrow? I will stop by after work." After a hanging up I went to Shelly's' room. I didn't get it, when she was still out with her friends she would have called or at least left a note behind. I was worried. It simply wasn't like her to just disappear without further announcement as to why or where she could be reached.

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