3. Here we go again

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I put on my apron and got ready for another nightshift. Only three more days until Devin would return. It was the longest time we had spent apart so far.

"Hey Amy. I got another favour to ask of you." Tina slowly came towards me looking at me sheepishly.

"What is it you need?" I asked with a slight grin on my face.

"I was wondering if you and Brittney could take care of Alice's' tables as well. I sent her home because she wasn't feeling too good." I nodded.

"I don't mind covering her tables as well. It's the middle of the week, how bad can it be?" Tina gave me another thankful smile. She had been asking if I got home okay all week and I reassured her that I was staying out of trouble. I also was glad that the bikers hadn't been back to diner ever since.

After sunset the diner got a bit more crowded but nothing I couldn't handle, even with two sections on my hands. I was carrying a large plate full of burgers to a table in Alice's' section. The table crowded with a bunch of hollering college students. Every other girl in my shift was sorry for me being the one to have to deal with them.

I put down the plate in the middle of the table, ignoring the suggestive looks some of them were casting me. I had gotten pretty used to dealing with something like that since starting to work as a waitress. Just something that came with the job you simply learned to deal with.

"What can I get you to drink?" I asked. Their leader looked at everyone and then ordered some milkshakes for all of them. Upon returning to the kitchen I noticed familiar wavy blond hair in my peripheral vision but for now decided to ignore them even if my heartbeat was rising. When I returned with glasses and some pitchers full of milkshake I concentrated on not dropping anything and successfully reached the table.

While setting down the pitchers I felt a hand on my behind and turned to look at the boys' smug grin.

"Cut it out, will you?" I shoved his hand away and finished. When I turned around I flinched because he touched me again while being cheered on by his friends. I turned around to reprimand him once more.

His hand was yanked away from me while I was still turning around. The blond biker with the baby blue eyes had taken a hold of his wrist and was now glaring at him.

"The lady asked you to keep your paws to yourself, dickhead." The college student and his friends looked at him but nobody tried to step up for their friend.

"Now apologize for your inappropriate behaviour and don't forget to tip your waitress later.", the biker continued emphatically. I tried to keep a calm expression but inside I was more then on edge. I appreciated him stepping up for me but there were ten students and I didn't see any of his friends.

"I am sorry for my inappropriate behaviour, Miss." The college boy said between gritted teeth and I quickly retreated to the counter with a nod.

I set down my serving plate and took a deep breath with my back to the customers. Slowly my heartbeat calmed down.

"You need help with them again just let me know." I nearly jumped out of my skin and looked up at the biker with a flushed face. He leaned against the counter next to me and cocked his head while looking at me. He honestly looked like belonging on stage with Twisted Sister instead of being in this diner.

"You didn't need to do that. But thanks." I whispered and felt my pulse quicken when he flashed me a smile baring his teeth. Something about him was off, I just couldn't say what was bothering me.

"Yeah, I did. You..." he was cut off by an ice cold voice coming from the door.

"Paul! Now." The guy standing in the door had my heart stop for a second. Piercing blue eyes as cold as his voice were fixed on me and I had trouble breathing.

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