6. A night to remember

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"Good girl." Upon my response David had pulled me into his side and was now keeping me close while walking to where they had left their motorcycles. It made me uncomfortable and at the same time I liked the attention I was getting from those boys.

Paul and Marko with their always present mischievous grins and especially Paul never shying away from touching me all over. David was more subtle about it, he touched but it was more casual and always seemed more like a threat to outsiders to not even dare look at me. Dwayne was different, I couldn't even say if he liked me. I enjoyed him being the strong and silent type but at the same time it made me feel weird for I could not say what he was thinking.

Interacting with his brothers was something different to him, even if he was more silent as well, he joked around and sometimes even indulged in their physical fooling around.

When we stopped by their bikes David turned me around and had me looking up into his eyes.

"Tell me what is on your mind, princess." My cheeks flushed red and I didn't want to answer that. He raised his eyebrows at me and smirked.

"What? You're getting shy now?" He took my face in his hands and leaned down to me.

"No need to do that. Or have we given you the impression that you are not worthy of our attention? Tell me you don't like it and we will let you go right now." His lips touched my ear and I shivered at the sudden closeness to him. If it was even possible I flushed an even deeper red than before.

"Isn't she cute when she goes all tomato and silent?" My eyes widened when Paul came up behind me, trapping me between him and David. Before I could tell them to stop I was again pulled into another direction. I found myself chest to chest with Marko who was grinning down at me.

"Tell me, you're still a virgin or just not used to getting so much attention?" His lips were almost touching mine and it became difficult to focus.

"Star's coming back." Dwayne growled behind me and that did it. I broke away from Marko and turned to see who Star was. I immediately recognized the gypsy girl and the little boy from the diner.

"Who is that guy following here like a lost puppy?" Marko laughed and got into another scramble with Paul. As I was much shorter than the boys I couldn't yet see who they were talking about. David was already motioning for the boys to get on their bikes.

As they came closer the little boy ran straight for Dwayne who pulled him up on the bike with a big smile, that I hadn't seen on him before. The girl was climbing up behind David, looking back again.

I followed her gaze and froze. I saw the guy with the plane white shirt and his dark brown and wavy hair.

"She stiffed you, man." Trailing behind him his little brother.

"What's wrong, hot stuff? Never climbed a bike before? I can show you how to climb a lot of things." Paul had his arms around me once more and was chuckling against my neck. David grinned to that for a second, Paul had been loud enough for all the boys to hear. But when he looked at me his smile faded.

"Amy?" His eyes were now fixed on me and I realized I had stopped breathing.

"Amy?!" A second voice asked and everybody turned towards the two boys that had been following Star. I could not speak, I could not move.

"Amy, it's me. What are you doing to her?!" He looked at Paul holding me to his chest and I could see his confusion shift to anger when I did nothing and Paul didn't let go.

"Who is that Amy?" Paul whispered into my ear, which earned him another pissed look.

"Michael..." I whimpered. Apparently Michael misunderstood my whimper for a cry for help as he now stood in front of Paul and me.

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