12. Blood-bound

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warning: sexual content and some violence


"Fuck you David!" I yelled back.

"I just want you to think this through! This is nothing you can walk away from if you decided on it!" He was furious. Not only because I wasn't really listening to him but I actually had the nerve to yell back at him. Without thinking I picked up a rock from the bottom of the cave and threw it to his head. Of course he dodged it, coming right at me with a threatening growl.

"Enough already!" Dwayne had stepped in between us, keeping me behind his back and shielded from David. Up to this point the tall vampire had been sitting on the couch and just watched us yell at each other.

"Get out of my way!" David tried to get to me but Dwayne wouldn't let him through.

"Not until you calm down. I won't have you hurt her by accident." The tension between the two was immense, neither wanting to back down. Even with David being superior to Dwayne, the dark-haired vampire was physically more than capable to keep up.

David let out an unwilling growl and retreated a step. With a resignedly sigh he slumped down in his chair. My anger ebbed down when he gave me more space and I closed my eyes for a second.

"Why won't you understand? I am not making a rash decision here. I know what I am asking of you. I just... With Shelly gone, there is nobody left I could turn to except for you guys. I have nobody. And technically speaking I am dead already. Who would miss me anyways? I am just so done with this life, with all this tragedy and heartache, the pain and the loss. I am so goddamn weak and I am just done!" I couldn't keep the tears in anymore. After an hour of yelling at each other I had no more fight left in me. I flinched for a second when Paul was suddenly behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I... I am just so lost. There is nothing more for me to this hell called life..." He laid his on my shoulder upon my words.

"You're not lost anymore, hot stuff. You're ours now. You are family if you choose. David wasn't trying to be mean. He just wants you to realize that you have a chance to choose which we were never given. We were all on the brink of death." I leaned into Pauls' chest as he talked to me in a soft voice. I knew he was right. I knew David meant no harm.

"Paul has a point there. For us it was a matter of survival to choose eternity. But you get to choose whether to end the life that was meant for you right here or to walk away from all of this. To walk away from us." Marko sounded desperate. He looked at me with wide eyes and there was a pain I had never seen in his normally playful or mischievous expression.

"No. I no longer have that choice. Michael took that from me by forcing me to drink the blood. Either way I wouldn't chose any different. Like I said, I am done with this life. I have been done for some years now." My voice was now barely more than a whisper, still I knew the boys could hear me.

"You are so much stronger than you know, princess." Dwayne gently pressed his lips against mine and pulled me from Pauls' embrace. In this moment his strong frame and soft lips was what I needed. I lifted my arms to put them around his neck and a mere second later I was straddling his lap on the couch while we were still connected in a deep kiss.

"As much as I appreciate watching the two of you, I need you to stop right there. Initiation is over, sweetheart. So last chance to back out otherwise you are mine and my brothers' for eternity." David had pulled me back slightly by my throat, his lips nearly touching my ear while Paul and Marko stared down at me with dilated pupils.

"Bring it on then." All four of them let out a low growl of appreciation, looking at me as if I was the most beautiful creature in the world.

"There is one more thing and you are not going to like it." I looked at David concerned as I took his hand and got off of Dwayne's' lap.

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