13. The things we leave behind

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The first time waking as a full-fledged vampire felt strange. I could hear the ocean and the waves crashing against the shore, rainwater seeping into the ground and through its layers, insects moving through the dirt, Laddie's soft snoring as he slowly woke up... My mind seemed on overload with all the sensations rushing in.

"Stop thinking so loud, princess... It's too early for that..." My mind decided to finally settle on the gravelly voice in my ear and strong arms tightening around me. I opened my eyes and was amazed that I could see clearly in the dark room, as all the candles had died down.

That's just so weird... No more knocking things over in the dark I assume. I let out a small shriek as I found myself suddenly pinned to the bed.

"I said it is too early for you to be so loud..."Dwayne was hovering over me, securing my hands somewhere above my head. His face was something between anger and sleepy amusement.

"Unless you want me to bend you over my knee, I suggest you try tuning it down a little." Had I been able to, I would have flushed a deep crimson at his suggestion. Bevor I could answer him a small brown haired cannonball came running into the room.

"Dwayne!" The sudden smell of blood mixed with something else hit me and I couldn't keep myself from baring my fangs and letting out a hungry growl.

"No." Before I had the chance to make a move towards Laddie, Dwayne had grabbed me hard and my back crashed against the wall farthest from the bed on which the boy was sitting with wide eyes.

"Look at me Amy." I had to forcefully pry my eyes from the throbbing vein on Laddie's neck and willed myself to meet brown eyes.

"That's better now. Hey buddy, go and find Paul in the front. Amy and I need to talk a little before you can say hi." His eyes ever left mine as the boy left us with a small huff and stating his favourite vampire was no fun at all this evening or morning. I struggled a little in Dwayne's grasp. He wasn't hurting me but made it clear his strength easily outmatched mine. I let out a content purr when his lips softly brushed against mine before he sat down on the bed with me in his lap.

"You can't do that, princess. I know it is hard in the beginning and it will be hard for quite some time until you learn to control your new body and its reactions. But you need to try. Especially around Laddie. He can't understand that it is hard for you to control your hunger around him. He is a half and so your senses pick up on the blood still flowing through his body. He is only used to us and we learned to control those urges ages ago. Until you learn as well we cannot leave you alone with him or anyone else..." I listened to him while playing with some strands of his dark hair.

"I didn't mean to do it... He is such a sweet boy, I would never hurt him on purpose..." He tilted up my chin and kissed me again. 'I know that you would never do that to him. Your body doesn't though.'

"It still feels so strange having you in my head... Why is it that I don't feel different around you now?"

"Because we are dead. Technically speaking. The blood in us doesn't trigger your hunger because it isn't vital to your existence as human blood is. Our blood holds no life so it doesn't call to you. Taking blood from another vampire is something you do to bond or to strengthen a relationship, not to sate your hunger. At least not as lasting as human blood. It can keep the hunger at bay though, so in times of need we rely on each other. Also it helps the healing when we are injured, much more potent in that than living blood." He pushed some hair from my face and pulled me closer. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. He still smelled the same, though a little more intense than before, and I could also smell the others on him like some fading perfume.

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