14. Following orders

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I am finally back. Sorry it took me so long. But between starting a new job and some other silly stuff that needed to be taken care of there was little to no time for me to continue writing or even come up with anything. Thank you for your patience and for all the support I've been getting on various channels. I hope I will be able to update on a more regular basis again.


I sat there for what felt like forever, just staring out at the dark water. I felt something nudging against my mind, trying to get my attention.

'Do I need to come and get you or are you coming back on your own? You've been gone for three hours now...' I almost couldn't believe it. Had I really been sitting here that long? I scrambled back to my feet and brushed off the sand that stuck to me. Slowly I walked back towards the boardwalk which now seemed awfully loud and crowded. I felt some kind of pull on my body and mind, seemingly pulling me closer like a magnet. Not long after I caught sight of Dwayne overlooking the crowd. As if sensing my eyes on him his gaze caught mine over the distance.

"Took you long enough... Are you feeling better now?" I took his outstretched hand and nodded.

"I didn't want to worry you. It was just... It was a little much. With Laddie there I only now realised what I gave up. Don't get me wrong. I love you and your brothers, I love Laddie. I would not change a thing or make any other decision. It just hurts to realise I will never have children of my own, that I won't grow old, that there will not be another sunrise for me..." Dwayne pulled me into him, tugging my head under his chin. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. I could feel his compassion through our bond. I could feel his pain.

"Look who found her way back." I turned my head and looked at David, who was sitting on the reiling next to us. He jumped down and walked over, pulling me from his brother and into a demanding kiss.

"I am sorry, David..." My voice was a low whisper, but I knew he had heard me.

"Don't worry about it. I am proud of you. You did much better on your first day as a vampire than Paul has."

"Hey! I was totally stoned and hungry..." I couldn't help the laugh. Of course Paul had acted out on transitioning. I stumbled a little when David started walking, still holding my hand and pulling me with him.

"Where are we going? And where is Laddie?"

"Don't worry. He is with Star. Or should be if she knows what's good for her..." His growl had me looking up at Dwayne. His jaw was clenched tight and I had the feeling that Star had abandoned her duties concerning the boy on more than one occasion. David pulled me along the boardwalk, the few people still up and about quickly jumping out of the way just like the first time I had been with my boys. Most people looked away as soon as they were caught staring at our group, still some girls shot me angry looks and I just smiled back at them.

"Carefull. You might just choke on that big smile, cupcake." I looked to my left and grinned at Marko.
"Couldn't help myself. Besides you are the one constantly grinning..." I walked straight into David since I hadn't noticed he stopped walking. Looking up I recognised the building in front of us.
"Video Max? What are we doing here? I always thought Max hated you coming here."
"You will understand in a minute." David pushed me towards the back entrance and through the door. We stood in the dimly lit hallway for a second before he knocked on the door to our right. Up front in the shop I could make out Maria's voice, who was ushering out the last customers before closing up.
Entering the room I knew to be Max's office I noticed nobody was there.
"Sit. He is on his way." I was nervous when I took a seat on the chair in front of the desk. David pushed away some papers carelessly before sitting on the wooden surface and lightened a cigarette. Marko and Paul pulled out some boxes to use as seats while Dwayne stayed standing behind me, his hands on my shoulders. We sat in silence for what felt like hours to me. I caught up on Maria's scent fading, so I assumed she had left the shop. But there was another scent. One I recognised but couldn't place. A looming presence, growing stronger every second.
"Relax princess." I wanted to say something when the door to the office opened.

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