10. Thirst

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"Hey. Where is the girl?" Dwayne looked at David when he came back to them alone.

"Left her with her cousin. She might need a few days before we see her again. It's a lot to process." The eldest of the vampires explained and sat down on the bench next to Marko, pulling out a lighter and a cigarette.

"What is there to process? She knows what we are and what she will be. Piece of cake." Paul earned himself another smack to the back of his head. Dwayne shook his head and gave his brother a look of discontent.

"You don't remember anymore what it was like to get thrown into this?" The dark-haired vampire asked his snickering brother.

"Nope. Been high all the way through transition." He grinned sheepishly and pulled out another joint.

"Yeah. And selling your ass for said weed." Marko added dryly.

"Oh come on pretty boy. You love my ass." Dwayne pinched the bridge of his nose as the bickering between the two blondes continued.

"Is it too much to ask of you to be quiet for just one evening?", he growled and looked at his brothers.

"You're a grumpy one today..." Paul muttered at the tall vampire.

"So? And what are you not telling us?" He looked at David with a scowl. He could feel something eating away at his brother.

"Michael was at her apartment. Tried to persuade her cousin that we had drugged her and were doing whatsoever to her. Of course Shelly freaked. I wanted to tear him from limb to limb..." Davids' voice was a dark growl. Before any of them could respond, a familiar mass of brown hair came running towards them.

Dwayne pushed off the railing and caught the boy mid-air.

"What are doing here, buddy? Where is Star?" The boy looked at his favourite brother and made a face.

"She left me at the arcade and went away with this strange boy who made Amy upset." Laddie stated with a sour expression.

"She did what?!" Dwayne was furious. When it came to the kid he didn't have much tolerance for anything. Especially not for Star abandoning Laddie.

"One day I will snap that bitchs' neck... I had about enough of that shit." Dwayne growled, this time really considering to go through with his threat to get rid of Star for good.

"Calm down, big guy. We still need her to pull Michael through. Not that I like the idea of having him around Amy... But it's a necessity. After that do whatever you like." Davids' harsh reply had him snap out of it. With a sigh he let the boy down.

"You got something to eat already?" The boy shook his head which resulted in a frustrated growl by all four vampires.

"Okay. Let's grab a bite, buddy. Can't have you going to bed hungry. I know you still have that candy hidden under the mattress. But that doesn't count as dinner." The boy looked up to the tall man and gave him a sheepish smile. Of course Dwayne knew of his secret candy stash.

Happily he grabbed the large hand and pulled his brother towards the food trucks while the three others made to get some dinner for themselves.


It had been two days since David dropped me off at Shellys' apartment and I was still processing everything. Sure I somehow missed the boys but I was glad that they respected me needing some space.

Shelly had headed out with some friends and to my discomfort one Surf Nazi she had been seeing quite regular these days. I was one to talk about keeping away from danger, but I didn't trust him and I didn't like the way he treated my cousin. Overly possessive and demanding. Why she couldn't see that was a riddle to me.

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