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To be honest, IM FREAKING OUT! Just two more days till my date with Aone and I'm regretting asking him on one. I like him and everything but I dont wanna make myself look like a stupid idiot! But I'm sticking with it. I've made it this far. And who knows, maybe I'll charm him with my amazing social skills (lies, ALL LIES!). I finish my breakfast of frosted animal crackers and head out the door.

Aone's POV

My heart gets more and more excited every day that passes. The date. Koganegawa has been giving me advice, but this time I'm more careful about what parts i actually should listen to. I wonder if she likes flowers?

Y/n's POV

BRUUH. I hate life. Why has everything forsaken me. I just wanted some juice! I stand and stare at the juice box that just got stuck in between the drinks and glass of the vending machine. I check my pockets one more time "Gosh dangit!" No more change. I sigh but the feel someone beside me.

"Need some help?" A GODLY voice asks. Aone! My saviour! I smile "Yes please!". I stand back and he puts one hand on the top of the vending machine and gives it a good shake. I hear the juice box plop down. "Here." He bends down and grabs it then hands it to me. I take it and give him a hug (In ThE mIdDlE oF a PaNdEmIc?). "Thank youuuu!" I back away and open my juice box. "No problem." I see him flash me a small smile. Hes such a sweetheart. I take a long sip as I start heading back to class "See you later!" I give him a peace sign and he waves with a small blush on his face.

After class Jacob goes to his bad practice. Friggin band kids, am I right? Anyway I guess it's time for me to head home too. I walk down the mostly empty halls, looking at posters and art projects from the students. It's pretty peaceful, so I put in my earbuds to listen to some fire tunes as i walk.

Sweetie! (Aone x reader)Where stories live. Discover now