he really do be getting it tho😳

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Aone opens the door for me and we enter the cats playroom. The cats all put they're attention on us and some gather at my feet, rubbing against my legs. Others waited for my love. "Omg, look how cute, Aone!" I crouch down and pet the cats as I gushed about how soft and nice they were. "Mhm." He nods and sits on one of the large pillows on the ground.

I sit next to him "Huh, I wonder why they wont come over?" I breath out heavily in frustration. "Its me." Aone says sadly. I look at him and see his disappointed face "What do you mean?" I ask. He blushes in embarrassment "I come here a lot, but the cats never let me pet them because I look scary..." he looks longingly at the fluffy balls of fur.

I couldn't help but giggle "But you arent scary! I bet the cats can tell how nervous you are. Maybe just give em a smile!" I give him a big smile to encourage him. He nods and scoots over to a black cat and smile while holding his hand out. The cat seems hesitant but let's Aone pet him. I felt so happy for him seeing how excited he was! It was adorable! The cat got in his lap and purred "Y/n look!" He turned with a big smile. I felt my face heat up "See? The cats love you!" I give him a thumbs up.

The cats warmed up to Aone and we spent a bit of time playing with them and petting them. When we finally had to leave, I was upset. Not because I had to leave the cats, but because Aone had a sad look saying goodbye to them. We'll just have to come back! He opens the door for me and we start walking down the street together. "Anything else you wanna do?" I ask. He shakes his head no "No, unless theres somewhere you want to go." I think for a minute "I guess if you want to, you can come with me to pick up some stuff from the store?" I offer. He nods "Ok." I smile. I wasnt ready to say goodbye! I take his hand in mine "Is this ok?" I dont wanna push him, I know hes pretty reserved. "Its fine." He interlaced our fingers and smiles.

We walk into the store and he grabs a basket for me. We walk down the aisles talking about various things from family to school. Hes such a good listener. It's like he hangs on to every word. We pay and start our walk home. He offered to walk me home since it's getting dark. We hold hands, and he carries the groceries in his other hand. I guess volleyball keeps him in shape. "Welp, this is my house." I take the bags from him. "I'll see you at school then." He nods. I open the front gate but he stops me "Um, actually I got this for you." He hands me a small cat keychain. I brighten up "Aw you didnt have to! Thank you!" I take it. "Also!" He stops me again. "Hm? What's up-" he cuts me off

with a kiss. I freeze up at first but relax and cup his face to big him closer to my face. He pulls away blushing "So, I'll see you." He fumbles around with his thumbs. I smile and kiss his cheek "Goodnight." I walk to the door "Goodnight!"he blurts out before walking off. I walk inside and drop my bags. I touch my lips and smile big. "HEHEHEHE! OMG MOM!" I rush to the kitchen "I THOUGHT I SAID TO STAY WITH HIM TONIGHT!" "NO!"

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