ya like jazz?

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"And then it's like YAH I still get text from my ex, thinking that shes yours but shes moving to the next!" Jacob does some weird dance move. Hes been spending too much time on tik tok. I dont even know that song? I watch him just so he doesnt pout.

After Jacob's satisfied we finally get back to studying. "Soooo I heard from a little bird that you had a date with that big guy. What's his name again?" "Aone." "That's right! So when is that?" "Why do you wanna know?" I stare at him with an annoyed expression. "Nooo reason." He gets back to work. I roll my eyes and get out a bag of chips from my bag. It's crazy how loud the bag sounds getting opened in this quite library. I hear the door open and hear two loud voices. I dont mind, I hate the silence in this place. "Omg Kuroo, they have manga!" "DUH, Bokuto, it's a library!" I hear a pause "Oh, yeah." Then comes a weird hyena sounding cackle. What. The. H*ck.

The pair takes a seat in the table across from us. I look up to see them doing dumb stuff every now and then. I looked up again to see them trying to make pencils stand up. Then the owl looking guy tried eating the eraser because weird bed head dude dared him too. After a few more times I catch owl man taking glances at my chips. I give him a questioning look and he looks away trying to act casual, but hes sweating a bit. I roll my eyes and make a face to imply me asking if he wants one. He nods happily and walks over.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's up! I'm Bokuto and over there is my bro Kuroo!" Hes got a wide stupid smile. "Hi, I'm Y/n and this is Jacob." I hold out the bag and he grabs a handful of chips. "Kuroo, this nice lady is sharing her chips!" "But bro! What if they're poisoned!?" "What?" "Like that apple in that one Disney movie! From the old witch lady!" "But... she doesnt look like an old witch lady." Bokuto sits there contemplating whether they were spiked or not WHILE STILL EATING THEM? "Dont worry, they aren't.. poisoned." I say. Kuroo squints at me "That's exactly what the witch lady said.". I stare at him. Who are these idiots and who let them share a braincell?? I hear Jacob giggle from the scene.

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