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He pulls me in closer by my waist as I kiss him. I pull away and smile "I honestly thought youd never ask." I chuckle. He blushes "I wasn't going to but I really wanted to say it." He says shyly. I kiss him again, sitting on him. I turn back around to watch the tv, still in his lap. He makes small braids in my hair as we watch.

"So, why do you like me?" He asks. I tilt my head "What do you mean?" I lean back on him "Well, I'm not exactly the most handsome or coolest person. Many people find me scary or antisocial." He blushes. I frown "Aone, I find you very handsome, and you're a good listener. Even when you arent talkative, I know you care. I said yes because I really like you." He smiles. "And you're the most beautiful, kind, understanding, amazing person I know." He rests his chin on my head.

The movie ends and we lay down. "Can I just spend the night?" I ask. He blushes deeply "I-um yes if you want to." Then I blush "Ok! Nothing weird it's just late!" I defend myself. "I wasnt thinking about anything weird! I promise!" He says loudly. I giggle "I know, your a respectful guy, Aone!" I wink. He gives a guilty look "Anyway, I need to borrow some clothes." I walk over to his closet and open it. Lots and lots of sweaters! I smile, all his clothes smell like him. It's like sweets, warm cake right out of the oven. I take a green sweater and some shorts.

Aone turns around so I can change. "Are you sure? I can step out." He says unsure. I shake my head "No, it wont take too long." I slip off my clothes and put his on. "Alright," I jump on him and we roll over so we're on our side looking at eachother "I wonder how I got so lucky to land a guy like you." I say teasingly. "I'm the lucky one." He says quietly. He leans in and kisses my forehead.

We chat and joke while laying on the bed. I cant help but take a few seconds at a time to admire him. Maybe most people might not find him attractive, but he really is. He keeps talking while I smile and stare at him, and to be honest, I could do this all night. He doesnt talk much, but that just makes everything he does say more meaningful. I reach out and take his hand and yawn. "Sleepy?"he says. I nod, so he turns off the lights and pulls the covers up. "Goodnight, Y/n." He pulls me close and spoons me. I hold his hand again and close my eyes "Goodnight."

Sweetie! (Aone x reader)Where stories live. Discover now