The First Day

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Y/N and Jinx walk out in front of a tour bus with Totoro on Y/N's shoulder. Y/N takes a hit of the blunt.

Y/N: Quick recap.

Jinx: After 7 years of silence, Ahri reached out to Y/N here to manage a new group she created called KDA.

Y/N: And then?

Jinx: We moved into the KDA house to record their first album which has been in the #1 spot for almost three months.

Y/N: What else?

Jinx: Y/N was confessed to by all four girls after he and Ahri had a special night in which they...

Y/N: Jinx.

Jinx: But Y/N didn't pick one.

Y/N: Wasn't right.

Jinx: But the girls didn't give up.

Y/N: Gotta respect their drive.

Jinx: We got signed to Lost Heart Records thanks to us knowing the CEO.

Y/N: An ex-secret service member we worked with when we were in the military.

Jinx: And we got some pets.

Y/N: Four guinea pigs, Mini KDA, and a cat named Totoro.

Tortoro: <Meow>

Jinx: Now we're on tour after Y/N planted a gun on Ahri's old manager who was kind of a sleez ball.

Y/N: Bastard had it coming.

Jinx: And Y/N also reconnected with his sister.

Y/N: Good times.

Jinx: And that brings us to here.

Y/N: On tour with KDA.

The door to the bus opens and Akali pokes her head out.

Akali: Mr. Y/N! Come play Mario Kart with me!

Y/N shrugs and smiles.

Y/N: Well, let's get this started then, shall we?

The Manager

16 years ago...

You walked with your mom hand in hand as she carried a tray of homemade cookies. Your sister was busy with some of her friends while your dad was still working. Not that he really needed to.

Y/N: Mom?

Mom: Hm?

Y/N: Why are we going to Mai's house?

Your mom smiled at you.

Mom: Because her granddaughter just moved in with her. She just lost her parents so we're going to go say hi. She's your age.

You just nodded as you walked up to the old woman's door. Your mom knocked and you stood up straight to make sure you gave a good impression. The door opened and you heard the old Korean music Mai always played. Mai herself stepped out with a smile.

Mai was the only woman in town who was a fox person. You always liked to watch her tail since it was something so, weird. But you also liked it.

Mai: Maria.

Mom: Hello. Me and Y/N decided to come by and give you some cookies.

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