The Next Show

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You slowly opened your eyes to the sounds of someone moving around in the main room. You looked over and found Akali asleep on your arm, drooling all over it.

She was too adorable.

You gently moved her to free yourself before you sat up. You looked down at the sleeping girl before you smiled. You got out of bed and walked over to your discard clothes before you pulled them back on.

You checked yourself in the mirror to make sure that all marks were covered before you headed out. You closed the door behind you and found Ahri and Eve playing your Switch. Some party game Jinx had bought before the trip.

Looks like they were really getting into it.

Eve: Left left left!

Ahri cried out as she tried to move her controller to the left. However, her tower ended up falling and the girls both groaned in frustration.

This was kinda cute fo watch. And they were both still in their pajamas. Quite the show.

Jinx: I've been watching them for the past 20 minutes.

You looked over at your friend who was watching the girls.

Jinx: It gets pretty hot when they start moving side to side.

You shrugged and walked over to sit with her. You both watched as the girls tried again to building a tower with falling bricks. Ahri began to bounce side to side while Eve moved as fast as she could to help.

Jinx was right. This was pretty entertaining.

However, you were suddenly hit in the face with a pillow. You looked around before you noticed the Guinea pigs charging towards you. You stood up as they reached your leg and let out a tiny battle cry before they went to attack you.

It felt like getting hit by a tiny hollow toys.

Y/N: Why are they pissed?

Jinx: Because you kept them awake last night.

You raised a brow before your eyes went wide. You turned to her to see that she was smirking.

Jinx: How was it?

Y/N: What?

Ezreal: Tell us what we want to know, you ass.

Ezreal entered the room and set his rifle down before he walked over to the table. He sat down across from you while you rolled your eyes.

Y/N: Come on, guys...

Jinx: I bet y'all did some freaky shit. Like ropes, candle wax...

Ezreal: Ball gags.

Jinx pointed at him while you rolled your eyes. They were referring to the girl you had talked to at the bar. They had left before you actually did anything, which was just talk.

Y/N: I didn't even go back to her place.

Ezreal: Uh huh. So why weren't you at roll this morning?

Darius: Because he was out running an errand for me.

The three of you watched as the Captain walked into the room. While ot was protocol to stand at attention, things worked out a bit different here.

Jinx: Cap. Morning.

Darius looked at her half empty beer bottle.

Darius: Good morning. Starting early, I see.

Jinx held up her bottle before she took another drink. Darius looked out the window. You were currently stationed in an outpost in Bilgewater looking for some kind of terrorist cell.

Same shit, different day.

Kai'sa: Ah!

You and Jinx looked over to where Kai'sa was to see that she had dropped one of the plates. You got up and walked over to help her clean it up while the Guinea pigs followed to continued their assault.

Y/N: You alright?

Kai'sa nodded. You sweeped up the broken plate and tossed it into the trash before the door to your room opened. Akali walked out with messy hair and a smile on her face.

Good. Didn't look like she had any visible marks or anything. Looks like you'll be good after all.

That was before Akali threw up her hands in a rock and roll gesture.

Akali: I got laid!

The room went dead silent as Ahri and Eve passed their game. Everyone turned to Akali in shock before they turned to you.

Mini Ahri: <Squeak!>

You were hit by another pillow.
The bus ride to the arena was a bit awkward. Though, no one could really pin point why.

You and Akali thought the others were mad at you both.

Eve and Kai'sa thought you and Akali felt ashamed.

Jinx was just enjoying the shit show.

And Ahri just didn't care to bring it up.

Totoro: <Meow?>

Y/N: No, Kali isn't your new mom.

Totoro: <Meow.>

Y/N: No. We're not dating.

Totoro: <Meow?>

Y/N: No, I don't have duct tape. What do you need duct tape for?

Totoro looked over at the Guinea Pigs who were on the counter next to you. They were all still glaring at you.

Y/N: I'll see if I can find some.

Jinx: So....who you gonna fuck next?

Y/N: Dude...

Akali: Oh! Kai'sa! Placing my bet now.

Kai'sa's cheeks quickly turned red.

Kai'sa: W-What?!

Ahri: I say Eve. It's only a matter of time.

Eve: I say me, as well. Sorry, love.

Kai'sa: But I....what?

You just groaned. The Guinea Pigs seem to laugh at your misery.
You and Jinx hung off to the side of the stage as the girls performed. The music was loud and the crowd was having the time of their lives. You and Jinx either bobbed your head or tapped your foot to the music.

Even Totoro was cheering his mom on. The Guinea Pigs were on a nearby crate dancing as well.

Jinx: You know, this is pretty crazy!

You nodded.

Y/N: Yeah! Who would've thought?!

Jinx: Not me! Compared to the shit were doing three years ago, this is vastly different!

You nodded in agreement. Jinx nodded along to the music before she looked over at you. You had your arms crossed as you watched the girls.

Jinx: Hey!

You looked at your friend.

Jinx: Are you ever going to tell them about Rell?!

You thought about it. You should, eventually. But it wasn't easy to talk about. And maybe it never will be.

Y/N: Who knows?! Maybe one day!

Jinx watched as you turned back to the stage. She was a tough person. Obviously. And it was easy to see that she didn't like beating around the bush about things.

But she hated seeing that look on your face. You were a strong person. Someone who has risen above time and time again.

But you had a shadow over you.

One that hasn't gone away for years.

And it worried her.

The Manager Season 2Where stories live. Discover now