Chapter 20

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The first task was fast approaching, and Sirius was furious. He had sent countless owls to Dumbledore and had tried to find any way he could to save his godson. Remus had also been trying to find loopholes in the magically binding tournament, but true to what Dumbledore had said, once picked, Harry couldn't back out.

The day of the first task wasn't how Natasha had planned to spend her day either.

She had woken up quite early, unable to sleep due to a pounding headache and a completely blocked nose. Her ears wouldn't stop ringing and she was running a high fever that made her feel nauseous every time she moved.

She had visited Charlie the night before thanks to Harry and had used Harry's invisibility cloak to make it back to the dorm.

When Angelina had woken up, Natasha was sweating profusely, concerning the girl. "Nat are you okay?" she asked, running to her side. Natasha groaned, with no energy in her body, and Angelina woke up Lauren and Alicia, who ran to get Fred and Madam Pomfrey.

Fred arrived first and knew something was immediately up when Natasha called him Fred and not Freddie. Madam Pomfrey arrived soon after, directing Fred to help carry Natasha down to the Hospital Wing.

Fred stayed with Natasha whilst Madam Pomfrey was running her diagnostics, running his thumb over her hand as she continued to groan in pain. Poppy Pomfrey was horrified when she found out Natasha had a mix of Dragon Fever and Dragon Pox, immediately clearing the Hospital Wing of anyone who wasn't sick.

Before sending Fred away, she sent him to Snape and McGonagall.

"She needs a mixture of potions with ingredients I don't have on me, and Professor McGonagall will need to contact her guardian. If it gets any worse, I'll have to send her to St Mungo's," the healer said, and Fred immediately ran off, straight to the Great Hall where breakfast was being served.

George was talking about his bets with the Golden Trio, when he saw his brother's worried face running in. "You alright Freddie?" he asked, standing up, and Fred stopped for a second, taking a deep breath.

"Natasha's got Dragon Fever and Dragon Pox, and Pomfrey sent me to get Snape and McGonagall." Hermione stood up at the mention of Natasha's name, and grabbed Ron's shoulder as she heard what the girl had.

"How could she catch it though? The only way to catch Dragon Fever is by coming into contact with the dragon, or someone else who has been in contact with the dragon, and-"

"Charlie," muttered Harry, standing up.

"I took her down to see Charlie yesterday, you know, because he's working with the dragons for the task today," he explained, and the boys nodded, whilst Hermione rolled her eyes and hit Fred.

"Don't you have teachers to collect?" she asked, and Fred nodded, dragging George along with him to collect the needed staff. Minerva was watching the exchange between the group and was already standing by the time Fred and George had reached her.

"Messrs Weasley is there something you would like to tell me?" she asked, and Fred nodded so fast that the older witch thought that his head might fall off.

"Madam Pomfrey sent us Professor, to fetch you and Snapey, Natasha's got dragon fever and dragon pox," he rushed out. Minerva nodded and quietly tapped on Severus' shoulder, informing him of the situation.

He too quickly stood up, and they each went their separate ways, Snape to the potion supplies cupboard and McGonagall to her office to owl Sirius. Madam Pomfrey still refused any entry into the Hospital Wing, as Natasha was quite contagious to those who hadn't suffered from dragon pox or fever before.

So, with one last glance at the Hospital Wing, Fred and George headed down to the First Task with trays for betting, for once without their best friend.


Sirius was reading yet another 'exclusive' about him in the Daily Prophet, when Minerva's owl arrived through the kitchen window, landing elegantly on the table. He quickly swung his feet off, tearing open the letter, groaning as he read what condition his daughter was in.

"Remus!" he called out, and a few seconds later, footsteps came from the stairs, and Remus popped his head into the kitchen. He was about to yell at his best friend for ruining his bath, but when he saw the expression on Sirius' face, he knew something was up.

"What's Natasha done now?" he asked, earning a slight chuckle from Sirius.

"My wonderful child has gotten both dragon pox and fever, perhaps her best unplanned prank in her school career as she has set Minnie and Poppy's knickers in a twist now," he said and Remus laughed, taking a seat next to Sirius.

"Do you want me to go and visit her? I've had them both before, the nasty shits, so I'll be okay," Remus offered, and Sirius sighed, thumping his head on the table.

"That would be lovely, thank you Moony. I just wish I could see her myself," he whined, and Remus nodded, before an idea struck him.

"I could always take you as Snuffles, then you could sneak in. Last I heard, Poppy Pomfrey wasn't against dogs, though, you do smell a bit," he added, earning a glare from his best friend.

"First of all," he said, standing up and placing his hands on his hips. "We all decided I was Padfoot, not Snuffles. Secondly, good plan Wolfy." Remus stuck his tongue out at Sirius and ran back upstairs to his bath.

Sirius quickly replied to the letter, his elegant handwriting sprawled across the page detailing Remus's arrival. He was still only dressed in his dressing robe and pyjama pants, but he knew that Natasha wouldn't care, she never dressed much better anyways when she was home.


As the first task set off, Natasha was fast asleep in the Hospital Wing, under the watchful eye of Madam Pomfrey. Severus had managed to get the required potions in time, before her skin broke out into hideous red welts, and now she was sleeping it off, stuck in the wing for at least a few days.

She was quietly snoring, a common Black family trait, when Remus and Padfoot came in, and Madam Pomfrey left, satisfied the Auror could look after Natasha perfectly fine.

"Tasha?" he whispered, and Natasha's eyes fluttered open, dark purple bags swirling underneath. Her hair was piled in a bun above her head, and she was wearing the standard hospital pyjamas, bringing memories back to Remus of his time in the wing.

"Uncle Moony?" she croaked, and he sat down on the edge of her bed, as Sirius quickly transformed back into his human body. Her face lit up as she saw her father walk into view, and he hugged her tight, completely ignoring his best friend beside him.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Sirius asked, and Natasha snorted in laughter at the question.

"I feel like shit dad," she said, and Sirius smiled gently, pulling one of hands into his. She threw her head back onto the pillow dramatically, her Sirius genes clearly kicking in.

"I know kiddo, I remember when I had dragon pox as a kid, drew my mother wild that did," he said, and Remus shook his head smiling.

"I've never seen you ill Tasha, but by Godric you're as dramatic as Padfoot," he snickered, earning playful glares from the two. He heard the footsteps of Madam Pomfrey nearing the door, and nudged Sirius, who reluctantly got up and changed back into a dog.

Madam Pomfrey nodded towards Remus as she stopped at Natasha's bedside, handing her a foul-smelling concoction. "This will help you sleep later," she said, smiling knowingly at the girl as her nose scrunched up at the smell.

"Thank you, Poppy," said Remus, and Pomfrey gave a curt nod before going back to the tournament, where an injury had already occurred. Sirius changed back and sat right next to Natasha, running his hands through her hair.

"Thanks for being here," Natasha muttered, and Sirius and Remus smiled down at her.

"We'll always be with you Natasha. Always."

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