Another "Normal" School Day

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Evan's POV

Getting up in the morning was a pain. I kept thinking about yesterday. Jonathan is gay. I mean should I have noticed right? The way he stared at me in the locker room last week. Just thinking about that made my heart flutter. I'm not gay though. I can't be, I've had girlfriends before, and as far as I know I've never seen delirious with a girl before other than his cousin Ruby. And that was only one time.

I do think Jonathan is attractive, but not in a homosexual way. I do remember what happened that night at the party. I got so close to him wanting to taste his soft lips. Fuck! I am messed up in the head. He's my friend and I'm not gay! Right? It doesn't matter at the moment because if I don't hurry and get ready I'll miss the bus. I don't feel like walking for 2 hours.

~time skip to the bus~

When we stopped at Jonathans bus stop I was worried. He got on the bus, before he sat down our eyes locked. I was slowly getting lost is them. Then he turned away and I blushed. At that moment I wish I had a mask to cover my face like Jon.

I have this feeling he sits up front just to avoid me. I don't like it at all. I'm his best friend and he should be able to tell me what's bothering him, no matter how bad it is. Mini is too busy talking to the Swedish guy in the seat behind us to notice me deep in thought.

~time skip brought to you by my birthday which was the 5th :)~

When I got off the bus I dashed towards delirious before he could walk away from me.

"Hey, what's been up with you lately, you seem to not want to talk to me anymore!" I held on to his arm tightly, gripping his blue jacket with my fist. I wasn't going to let him go until he told me.

He looked at me with his eyes. I might not be able to see his face but I could tell a lot through his eyes. He looked at me longingly like he wanted something.

"Dude nothings wrong I'm just tired." I gave him a pissed look. This is fucked up! If he's my best friend then he should fucking trust me. "Okay I need this bull shit to be put aside and I need you to tell me what the fuck is wrong, I'm your best friend for fucks sake!" He just looks at me with shocked eyes.

"Fine, I see how it is." His eyes looked even more sad than before, but I didn't care at the moment. I pushed pass him and walked into the school building without saying another word. I left him standing there in shock.

~Jonathans POV~

Of fuck I can't believe I made my best friend mad at me just because I couldn't tell him my feelings for him.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. I turned and ran. I couldn't stand going to school today. I ran and didn't look back. I just kept going until I couldn't breath. I was choking on my own sobs. I didn't know how far I ran until I reached the park that was a few blocks away from the school

It was the same one me and Evan used to go to when we were kids. Evan. I started sobbing as I sat under the big oak tree far away from the play ground. It cooled me off from the hot sun beating down. No one was here today. One because this is a small town, and two because most kids are at school.

I took off my mask and closed my eyes. I imagined how mad Evan was at me. He looked hurt. I knew it was time to tell him how I felt.

~timeskip to lunch~

Evans POV

Everyone sat at the lunch table except Jonathan. I was a little worried. I hadn't seen him all day. I was a little harsh on him. Maybe he didn't want to tell me because it was something about his mom.

I knew that he had probably skipped school today. "Hey guys, I'll catch ya later, I gotta go." I then got up and went to throw my tray away.

I headed to the front doors making sure no one saw me. I carefully pushed open the doors and headed to the park. I knew exactly where Jonathan was.

A/n I apologize. I haven't been updating lately because of family matters. I'll try harder to keep up to date. Anyway hope you guys enjoy my chapter and if you like one direction check out my friend Stephanie_101800 she has an awesome story she's working on called All on my own its a one direction fan fiction.

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