I'll Always Love You

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A/N Trigger warning this might be one of the most depressing chapters I'll ever write. Also, this story may stay in Jonathans point of view for awile. I apologize for any grammer mistakes or spelling mistakes. I also want to apologize for giving it a slow start but thats just how I role :)


I searched through the game section of Wal-Mart trying to see if anything caught my eye. All these games made me think of my friends. I couldn't wait to go to school tomorrow. I know that sounds stupid, but I like seeing my friends. Me and the guys are going to walk to the park and shoot some hoops after school. I'm happy with the life that I have. Everythings perfect. Or so I thought.

"Jonathan, we have to hurry back so we won't be late for dinner," Her blond hair fell in front of her eyes as she looked down the isle for me. "Yea, I'm coming" I said in a monotone voice. I wasn't finished picking out a game but, I can wait till next time I guess. I zipped up my blue Jacket before dashing outside trying to catch up to her. I was getting wierd stares from people because of my mask. I didn't care. My Parents and all of my friends think I look badass in it so I keep it on.

"Hurry dear. I need your help starting the car," she handed me the keys. I started the car while she loaded the grocerys in the back. She looked like a marshmello wearing that fluffy white coat, with white buisness pants, and white heels. I chuckled to my self then hopped in the passenger seat of moms baby blue Toyota Camry. A few seconds later she popped in next to me. Before she started to drive she turned and looked at me with a serious expresion on her face and said "Jonathan dear, you know I'll always love you right?" I stared into her eyes. She looked sad. Why? "Of couars" I replied. "Good, now buckle up." I obyed what she said then we were off.

Our house was about ten or twelve miles away. It was really hard to see out of the windshield with all of the snow coming down.

She turned the radio on and we listed as party rock anthem came on. We danced and laughed as lots of different songs played. I almost died laughing as she tried rapping to Monster by Eminem. Then she turned it up louder when she heard her favorite song on. "No way, this is the best song ever" she waved one hand in the air excidetly. I listened to her voice as she sang the song lightly. "Well you only need the light when it's burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow, only know your lover when you let her go." Then I heard it, the sound that would ruin my life. A screeching sound of brakes coming from both our car and the car that was about to hit the front of us. We slid off the road heading straight for a tree. My heart stopped as I turned to see my Mom trying to gain control of the wheel. Everything seemed to go into slow motion. As the tree came in contact with our car my head flung forward and hit the dash board then all I saw was blackness.

When I opened my eyes my vision was blurry. I looked over at my mom. It was hard to see because my head was spinning and my vision wasn't very clear. All I saw was her face planted in the dash board and some red liquid coming from it. And all I heared before I blacked out again was the last verse to her favorite song "Only know your high when your feeling low, only hate the road when your missing home, only know you love her when you let her go....and you let her go..."

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