Fucking Parties

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Evan's POV

I was in no mood to talk to anyone , not even Jonathan.

As soon as the principal let us off with a warning we were gone, out the door, becuse the bell had rang, we sat in that office for four hours listening to her lecture about what would happen next time if this occured again.

"Luckily no one was hurt," she stared me down like I was the only one signaling the threats.

I saw Jonathan sitting on the step. He stood and reached out for me, but I gradually shrugged past him and walked off.

Jonathan's POV

Tears started to fill my eyes. I tried to hold them in, but it was hard.

"Hey," I looked up to see Tyler. You'd think I'd have the common sense to be mad at him, but the guilty expression in his eyes told me otherwise.

"Jonathan," you could hear his voice crack in an apologetic way, and see him twiddling his thumbs absent mindedly, "I'm terribly sorry for what I did, I swear to god I didn't mean to hurt whatever relationship you two had, can you ever forgive me?"

For a moment I peered into his eyes to see that he was being sincere about it.

I didn't speak for the longest time. He eventually sighed and turned away, but before he could get far enough I hugged him as tight as I could from behind. He was slightly taller than me so my head was pressed in the crook of his neck. He turned and hugged me back.

"I could never stay mad at any of my best friends." He removed my mask and stared at me, then broke the trance looking at the buses leaving.

"Uh, do you happen to need a ride?"

I chuckled, "Heh, yeah I guess I do."

We got in the car as he started it I asked another bothering question.

"Could I also stay another night?"

He grinned. "Anytime bud."

Evan's POV

I sat in my usual spot on the bus. Pewds was talking to Mini once again, but I was too entraced looking out the window, my gut tugged at what I saw, Jonathan hugging Tyler.

I turned away the bus turned the corner and that was the last thing that I saw. I looked down in my lap, the scene still playing in my head.

I should've talked to him. It wasn't his fault. Another part of me cried out. Yes it was! He should've told you.

I turned away tears trickled down my face as I tried to sniffle down my sobs with no avail.

"Danm, what a sap you are." I wiped away my tears and turned to face Cry.

His poker face almost unbearably still.
"What?" I asked.

"You should make up with him, he looked hurt as hell." His poker face was still intact like it was never going to leave.

I gave him this look like 'What the hell do you care.'

He sighed, and rolled his eyes, "Look, I don't know what you're going through and all but I know one thing for sure, you shouldn't hurt the people you care about, even if they indirectly hurt you in some way or another. If you truly care about someone, you'll do anything to make sure they're happy, even if you get hurt a little in the process, oh, and don't be that asshole that jumps to conclusion, you don't even really know what happened that night between your boyfriend and that one guy."

Cry sat back and pulled his hoodie over his face to signal that he was done talking and about to take a nap.

I opened my mouth to protest but then shut it again, processing the information I had just received.

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