No Fighting in School Boys

503 28 18

Jonathan's POV

I've been trudging around all day wondering how and when I could talk and explain what happened last night to my new found boyfriend.

He couldn't be mad at me for leaving my phone at home all night, right? So what the hell was he so mad about this morning? Was it because I was with Wildcat? Oh, shit. He probably took it the wrong way or something. I mean, he shouldn't of... he doesn't know about that night, does he? No one should know except for Basically.

I knew I had to talk to him asap.

And lunch was right around the corner.

Tyler's POV

Lunch. Thank gawd for it! I was starving. Too bad I had to wait for this damn class hour to end. Agriculture Science. Uhg. Luckily I sat in the back and I had Marcel to talk to.

"Hey Wildcat?" He tapped my shoulder slightly whispering.

I turned to face him. "What was up with you and Delirious arriving at school together?"

"He spent the night." I replied and turned to face the teacher in an attempt to pay attention.

"Ohhh," he giggled, "did you guys get drunk and have sex by accident like last time at that pa-"

I cut him off and whisper yelled back. "We do not talk about that! Remember?!"

Marcel grinned at the flushed Wildcat next to him.

Wildcat snapped his attention back to the teacher rolling his eyes as if to show it didn't really bother him.

But Marcel truly knew, that it in fact did.

Evan's POV

Lunch was here and I needed to know what exactly happened last night.

Maybe him and Wildcat were just having a fun sleepover and he ended up spending the night? Or maybe they were helping each other out on homework? A project maybe? Did his house burn down? Did he get bed bugs or some shit? Like, what the hell happened?

It didn't matter. I was about to have a talk with him about it.

I strolled into the lunchroom and sat down. I didn't bother getting food. I wasn't hungry one bit.

I sat between Nogla and Basically, so Wildcat could sit across from us.

Speak of the devil. He had already grabbed his lunch tray and taken a seat. Jonathan sat at the end and barely glanced at me.

I forced myself to look into Tylers eyes.

He stopped eating and looked right back into mine.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"Oh no." I stated with thick sarcasm.

He gave me a confused look then rolled his eyes as if he finally understood what I was getting at.

"Dude, if you wanna know what happened last night with Jonathan you should just ask him yourself."

I gave a small growl.

Everyone at the table stopped their conversations to look at us.

"And why the hell can't you tell me what really happened last night?"

Tyler looked offended by the way I was talking to him.

"Because if he wants to tell you he can... What we did last night was none of YOUR business Evan."

Now not only was my table staring at us, but so was Felix's and all of the tables around ours.

I stood abrubtly as did Wildcat. What did he mean by what we did last night?

I didn't like the sound of that, and my jealousy was reaching its peak.

"It is my business! He's my BOYFRIEND!"

Gasps erupted from around the room and Marcel had just had a spit take, as Lui dropped his tray along with his jaw. And Jonathans mask was above his head so he could examine us, a blush spreading quickly across his face.

"I knew it!" Felix fist bumped the air but quickly cleared his throat and looked down as if nothing had happend once all eyes were upon him.

Wildcat was astounded but finally realized what was going through my head.

"Dude, Jonathan came over because of family issues! Not for any other reason! It's not like last time at the par- UH never mind, just know that we didn't do anything." Wildcat had let something slip with that big mouth of his

"Wait what were you about to say? Something about a party? What happend there?"

Wildcat sundenly had this guilty look on his face.

"I-uh, it doesn't matter." His stare faultered and he scrated the back of his neck.

I looked at Jonathan who glanced away quickly.

"Tell. Me. What. Happend." I grunted angrily at him.

You could tell Wildcat was pissed off, maybe it was the tone in my voice, or maybe he was jealous too.

"You really wanna know?!" He shouted.

"Oh shit Tyler, don't." Was all Marcel could whisper beside me before Tyler ran that mouth of his.


Gasps filled the room again.

"TYLER!" Jonathan shouted his name but I was too quick, I had jumped over the table knocking him down. I pulled at his shirt pulling him up and slamed him back down.

Everyone around us began scattering towards us and shouting loudly in panic and excitement. Almost everyone, except for my friends who were too surprised to act, were yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

"The Hell is wrong with you!" I shouted over the crowd as it continued to roar.

Tyler was still super pissed as he leaned in close and whispered.

"The best part was when he screamed my name and cummed all over me." I slammed him back down in frustration as he dragged his words out slowly.

"God it felt amazing." He chuckled and gave a teasing smirk. "And the funny thing is that it wasn't at just any party, it was your birthday party last year." The devilish smirk kept playing on his lips, but anger filled his eyes.

That was the last straw. I drew my fist up about to punch him.

Someone had grabbed my arm just in time.

I looked up to see the new guy, Cry, and the principal behind him shaking her head.

"You two, my office, NOW, and as for the rest of you, sit down and shut up!" She turned and marched away, her heels clicking feriuosly against the tiled floor.

I jerked my arm away from Cry and stood. My angry expression not fading even a little. I followed her without hesitation or looking at anyone except Jonathan who was looking down, had his mask back on hiding his shame.

A/n Surprise! I'm not dead :) Yes I have returned to write yet another exciting chapter! Were you guys surprised? Oh who am I kidding! Of COURSE YOU WERE. Heh heh hope you guys enjoyed! And have a wonderful night, or morning, or whatever :P PEACE Oh and please check out IKatuKaz's story! It's also H2O Vanoss :) :)

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