❀ She has me by her side ❀

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"That last math problem was a real bastard." Viney said as we walked into the student council room.

"Yeah, that one was super difficult." I agreed.

"Hello!" Viney greeted everyone.

"Good work on your exams." Amity smiled.

I stopped at the doorway of the room and just stared for no reason.

"Hello." Amity greeted me.

"Hello." I said back.

I want to be able to look at this girl who thinks so fondly of me. And think that she's cute.

I sat down at the table and listened to the usual announcements. Before I knew it, half of the day had gone by and we were just wrapping up.

"Alright. So we'll be holding a committee meeting next week. Since you just finished your exams, let's call it a day here." Amity closed.

"Good idea." Boscha said.

We were all packing up our things and getting ready to head out, but then Jerbo decided to ask Amity a question, "Amity, how is the school festival play coming along?"

Amity turned her head towards Jerbo, "Well, you see... We don't know what to do about the script." Amity said.

"Are we writing our own script?" Viney asked.

"Apparently, the literature club used to write them, but nowadays they only focus on reading, so they don't have anyone who could write it for us." Boscha explained, "At this rate, we'll have to settle for doing an adaption of an existing story."

"I really want to do an original work, though." Amity frowned, "I don't suppose any of you know someone who could write it."

"Nope, I don't think so." Viney said.

"Me neither." Jerbo said.

"What about you, Luz?" Amity turned to me.

I just stared for a while. I looked over to the side and thought about it for a while. Should I tell her about Willow? No, I don't think she's ready to write a play yet.

"Uh, no. I don't know anyone." So I lied.


I was now sitting in the vending machine room drinking a juice while reading Willow's novel.

I did know someone who could do it... Willow's novel is really good, and I'm not just saying that because she's my friend. I bet she'd be able to write a play too, and if she did write one, I'd love to see it. But...

"Didn't you have something to take care of?" I turned around and saw Boscha walking in.

"B-Boscha!" I looked up.

"Is that a novel?" She asked.

"Weren't you with Amity?" I asked as I was slightly sweating. Does she know?

"No, we live in opposite directions." She walked towards the vending machine to get a juice, "But I'm glad you were here. I wanted to talk to you, Luz." She turned around and looked at me.

"Did you write that novel?" She asked.

"No, a friend asked me to read a novel she'd written." I said without thinking. Shit.

"Really? How was it." She asked again.

There was a long quiet silence, then I finally spoke, "It's very good."

"So, you mean to tell me that you did know someone who could write the script, but chose to hide it?" Boscha said with an unreadable tone in her voice.

Bloom Into You [Lumity AU] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now