Part 1

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Does it ever feel like the whole world is against you suddenly? Well, that's what I feel right now. I just asked for peacefulness in my life, is that too hard to give??

"YOU ARE THE GOD DAMN REASON WHY YOUR MOM DIED! AND NOW, NOW YOU FUCKING TELL ME YOU ARE GAY!!" My dad shouted on the top of his lungs, he took out his belt and started hitting my back. As my tears didn't stop flowing down.

My Dad and me had always had a very happy relationship before my mom died. He blamed me for my mom's death. I really missed her, she was the one person I could talk too. I could Talk to my dad as well but he never confronted me.

I had literally just told him I was Gay. I didn't expect him to beat me up with a BELT and that to the silver part. I could feel liquid like substance on my back indicating blood. 

 "YOU" a hit.

"UGLY" Another hit.


I was in so much pain, but I somehow managed to limp my way back to my room. I needed help with my wounds and I had no one to help me. So, I just slept on my bed crying more until I finally slept.

I woke up to someone shaking me and a voice that was very familiar.

"Bro, injunie. Why. Is. Your. back. And. The. bed. sheet. Covered. With. Red. Paint?" My best friend Haechan aka donghyuck said. He has been my best friend since i snuck out the window and went to the back yard of the house and cried.

Flashback: 6 years ago

"I hate my life" A young Renjun said as he remembered his father scolding him for dropping water on his work accidently. He was a kid; he didn't know what or how things worked. He yelled and slapped me for it.

"Hey, you okay?" A voice behind me asked, I turn my head to see them. I see a cute small looking boy with brown-hair, A yellow colored hoodie and some pants. 

"H-hi, yes I am okay" I replied between my sobs.

"Doesn't look like it tho? I am Haechan, I live there" He points to a house that is next to mine while sitting down with me.

"My name is Renjun. I accidently spilled water on my father's work and he slapped and me and yelled at me." I explain and start crying again. Suddenly, I feel warmth a very safe and comfortable one, I realize Haechan hugged me and the hugged calmed me down.

"It's okay Renjunie, It'll be okay" Haechan said as he draws circles on my back to calm me down.

"Thank you so much, Haechan." I reply smiling and hug him once more.

That's how Haechan and me became friends, I would sneak out and text him to come and meet up. He has stayed with me during my tough times.

I had a very bad headache from crying so much yesterday and my eyes seem so puffy.

"You look like a Zombie dude" Haechan adds. I look at him and sigh remembering last night's memories.

"My dad hit me and scolded me, I told him I was gay."

"Holy Freaking SHIT! This ain't RED PAINT?!? I am Gonna KILL that Man! What the frickty Frick did he hit you with!!" Haechan yelled having pure anger in his eyes.

"What did I do to deserve you Channie. A belt" I say as I smile towards my best friend. I loved him a lot.

"Its okay, I know I am great. Ok, A FUCKING BELT" I gasped at him. He cursed. I never heard him cursing. He must be really mad. I hugged him patting his back.

"Let's get you cleaned and let's disinfect the wounds" Haechan said as he helped me up from the bed.

"This might sting, I am sorry injun" Haechan said as he apologized to me and pressed the cotton on the hurt.

I hissed and remembered something.

"Haechan..." I said looking at him, he looked at me with a nervous look already knew what I was gonna say.

"I am sorry injunie, I skipped school because you weren't there so I came to see if you were fine. Chenle and Jisung will give me notes." Haechan replied already knowing what his best friend was going to say.

"Thank you for everything Channie, You're the best" I replied and he just smiled and hugged me.

"Ahem" A voice said. Dad. He came to my room to check up on me.

"Hello, mr. Huang. How are you?" Haechan said as he got off the bed and bowed down to my father.

"Hello, Haechan. I am fine, How about you?" My father said as he smiled. He always used to compare me with Haechan saying that I should be like him. He always used to talk nicely to my friends.

"I am good, thank you" Haechan said.

"Renjun, son, breakfast is ready" My dad said to me with a fake smile.

"Dad, can I eat in my room? I-I ca-cant walk" I said stuttering, I was scared. But I had a little confidence knowing my father won't hit me in front of Haechan.

"Ok, I'll tell someone to bring your food up" My dad said and left the room, While I just sighed.

After a while Haechan was done with helping me and I wore my shirt. We decided we will see a movie.

{Gay Crack heads}


Mr. huang hit moomin again. With a BELT!😫


Wtfffff- I wanna kill HIM! 🤬😡


How- can- someone- hate- moomin so much?? He is so cute and innocent. 🥺


Its okay guys, Thank you tho. I am used this and fine now with Channie's help. Focus on your classes @chenle and @jisung. 😭🥰👋

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