Part 3

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Jaemin POV

Why does love hurt so much? I hate myself and my feelings. I can't help but like Renjun and Jeno. But it's so weird liking two people. I didn't have any courage on telling any one of them.

Renjun had caught my eye sitting on a lunch table with a boy in our art class; I think both of them were friends. I had just bumped in Renjun and I cooed internally as he called me 'Jaem'. It was just too cute to hear it from his voice.

Jeno's POV

I like Jaemin, but I think I also like Renjun. I had seen Renjun from afar sitting on a table, he just caught my eye. His face was breathtaking. He was a little baby.

"No, this can't be. " I said as I hold my hair in frustration.

"Are you okay, nono?" I hear a sweet honey voice that I could melt too, my best friend Jaemin who I had feelings for, but who couldn't. There wasn't one thing he didn't have to be a perfect boyfriend.

"U-uh yeah, just thinking"

"Could I help?"

Yes, by being my boyfriend, and helping me figure out things.

"No, its okay. Wanna go back to class?" I asked changing the topic and I received a nod as a reply.

Third person's POV

When both of them left the library, they saw Renjun and donghyuck talking to each other. They felt a wave of jealousy rush through them, but they couldn't do anything since they weren't dating Renjun.

"Oh hey guys!" Renjun said walking forward to them. "This is my best friend, donghyuck" "donghyuck, this are my art partners, Jeno and Jaemin"


"I'll meet you guys at Renjun's house with my art partner" Haechan said before running away with Renjun to their class.

Jeno and Jaemin just smiled upon hearing that was Renjun's 'best friend', and had head to their class as well.

{Time skip after classes}

"um are you going to your house first to change or directly coming to my house?" Renjun asked.

"We will go to our houses first...text the address" Jaemin replied leaving with Jeno. While, Renjun had just sighed and walked home.

After Renjun reached home, he changed and cleaned up his room. He was sitting in his room as he waited for Jeno and Jaemin to arrive. He heard a knock after 15 minutes and went to open the door.

"Oh hey donghyuck, Mark is i right? I'm Renjun" Renjun said as hyuck flashed a smile and mark nodded.

Renjun opened the door more, to let them in. Right then Jeno and Jaemin arrived as well.

"Oh hey guys" Renjun flashed a smile which caused Nomin's hearts to melt.

Nothing much had happened, all of them started working on their projects and discussed who had to do what. Sometimes Renjun would help donghyuck and mark, as he was very good at painting. After they were done Jeno, Jaemin, mark and donghyuck headed home.

Jeno POV

I can't, I just can't. My head is filled with so many thoughts; I need to clear them somehow.

I need to ask someone whom I like. I know that someone! He thought as he got off the bed and ran to the room beside his and knocked.

"Come in" Someone said as Jeno came inside.

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