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"Nono, Nana" Renjun said, looking at the two males who were very shocked. Why? They never heard renjun call them by their nicknames. They had just started squealing and screaming silently. 

"Omg, Nono. Did you hear that???" Jaemin said shaking his hands while jeno just shouted a "Yeah" and swayed his feet up and down while spinning on the chair. 

"Sometimes i ask myself, why i like them." Renjun said to himself. Renjun didn't admit he liked them before his mother in his dreams told that they will always take care of him, and keep him safe.  

"Hi" Jaemin and jeno said to renjun after they stopped squealing and drank water.

Damn, how can someone look so hot while drinking water? Renjun thought and turned a deep shade of red. Jeno and Jaemin noticed.

"Injun, are you alright? You are like really red right now" jaemin said worriedly, and jeno looked at renjun concerned handing renjun the water bottle. 

"Here drink." Jeno said while renjun blushed. How one night can make a difference in his personality.... 

"N-no, I-i am fine" Renjuns aid pushing back the water bottle in Jeno's hand.  Jeno and Jaemin got up and took one hand in their hands 

"W-what are y-you doing?" Renjun asked blushing deeply. Jeno and Jaemin just chuckled at how cute he is. 

"We are going to the roof" Jeno announced and they started walking. When they reached the hallways, Donghyuck saw them a smirked. 

"Hey guys~~" Donghyuck sang and renjun just sighed already know this is gonna be very annoying. 

"Hello donghyuck" Both jaemin and Jeno said while renjun rolled his eyes. 

"Soooo... Injunie, having fun i see" Donghyuck teased and smirked at the boy who was now crimson red. 

"Shut up, hyuck" Renjun said, while jaemin and Jeno were just standing there not understanding anything. 

"awww, injunie. Is that how you answer your best friend" Hyuk said pouting

"Where's mark?" Now renjun was the one smirking.

"Oh yeah, i was supposed to meet him" Haechan says and comes closer and whispers "Have fun" With a wink.

"That... was interesting" says Jeno after haechan leaves.  

Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun reach the roof and sit down. Renjun suddenly feels a boost of confidence and gives out a deep inhale and then exhale

"I l-like you both too" Renjun said smiling, while Jeno and Jaemin turned to him.

"WHAT??" They say more like shout in unison. Renjun just giggles

"I heard you that night" Renjun said awkwardly laughing. Jeno and Jaemin blush

"Wait.. w-wait.. Y-you like us t-too?" Jaemin manages to spit and Jeno is still in shock, confusion. Renjun nods. 

"Wait omg NONO" Jaemins aid shaking Jeno who was in shock. 

"NONO, N-NANA, Will you be my boyfriends" Renjun manges to say. While jaemin and Jeno hug Renjun.

"Uh g-gu-ys I- can-t Bre-athe " 


Renjun was about to say something but was stopped by a pair of soft lips on his. Jeno was kissing him, he wasted no time kissing back. After they broke the kiss, they looked to see Jaemin pouting cutely. 

Renjun went closer and kissed him, Jaemin wasted no time to kiss back.  

"I am proud of you, son" 


A/N: Guys, check out my new book 'The Dare -Jaeyong' 

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