Part 5

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"Ow.." Renjun cried out his pain holding his hands and bandaging it. He had woken up to enhance pain in his arms. 

It took about 30 minutes for him to stop himself from crying and getting up to freshen up. He got to the bathroom quick, but carefully. Taking the toothbrush slowly moving his hand not wanting to hurt the bruises more while moving his hands. He spat the toothpaste and rinsed his mouth. Then got into for the shower, letting the water run through his body. He wore his uniform and went down the stairs. 

"Hyuckie!" Renjun said as he got out his house, to see his best friend. 

"Injunie" His best friend smiled and hugged the other. They hadn't seen each other, as renjun said he had to hang with NOMIN. 

"So, how was it? Are they cute?" His best friend smirked, while the other just had blushed a little. 

"It w-was good. Yes, you know they are dating. Besides, i just got to know them." 

"Yeah, but they like you. You know, You look different. There is different glow on your face" Haechan said noticing his best friend's face brighter and gloomier. Renjun had just smiled not wanting to answer anything else about them. Both of them, walked to school and went to their classroom to get ready. 

After, the boring class of maths. Both renjun and haechan had 5 minutes to talk. Suddenly, donghyuck got a text. Renjun didn't mean to peek but something that caught his eyes was the way mark's contact was named 'Baby lion 🥺🐯❣️'

"Why you smirking Bish?" Donghyuck said. Him and renjun joke around and call each other random names. They are the tom and jerry between all the four friends (A/N: I am sorry i dont include Chensung a lot, I'll make the next chapter about chensung)

"Who is that, and why is their a heart. I have a feeling its.." Renjun pointed to mark sitting on a chair on his phone. 

"N-no its not" Donghyuck replied blushing crimson red. 

"Boy, i have known you for how long again?" Renjun said trying to pretend thinking. "6 fucking years. Tell me istg Hyuck" 

"Fine, Yes it's him. He looks like a cute baby lion, Like look at him" Donghyuck said showing a photo of mark. 

(A/n: Hes srsly so cute! UwU)

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(A/n: Hes srsly so cute! UwU)

"Whipped my boy" Renjun said chuckling, while putting a hand on huck's shoulders. 

"Yeah, whatever. How about you and y'know" Haechan said while wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Hyuckie, i told you. I need to trust them." Renjun sighed "I am scared, I don't want to end like-like-" Renjun broke down in tears, which he didn't know he was holding. But haechan knew what had happened. 

(A/N: It was one of his past relationships in the story but i won't write that as a flashbacks. Sorry. It was brutal, that's why renjun was scared of falling in love again.)

"It's okay injunie, it's all good. My instincts tell me, they won't be like that. Just listen to your heart." Hyuck said engaging the boy in a hug to calm him down. 

"Can we skip?" Renjun asked and the older nodded, They went out of the class.

"Renjunie" The NOMIN couple called out seeing the boy in the hallways. Renjun whipped his head behind and saw them. 

"Hey guys" Renjun said smiling a little, while donghyuck just waved. Donghyuck looked at them closely, he wanted renjun to be happy. He didn't want renjun to get hurt again. His heart told him that renjun won't get hurt with them. So he just smiled. 

"Don't you have class?" Jeno asked. 

"I-i am skipping, don't feel like studying literature right now" Renjun said, as the other boys nodded. 

"Well bye injunie, see you later~" Jeno said and hugged the other boy, Jaemin repeated the actions. Renjun felt safe in those arms, he felt like home. But he couldn't like them this early.  

"Wanna go to the roof?" Haechan said as he dragged renjun to the roof. When they reached they suddenly stopped and smirked. 


(A/n: Sorry for the short chapter! I am going to try to include all the NCT ships. Sorry if your ships couldn't be in it! )

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