Part 11

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Renjun was now living so peacefully, it was like there was no darkness in his life. He was so happy he had met two people, Jeno and Jaemin, Who didn't give up on him. He was so grateful for them. 

"Injunie, Stop cuddling your moomin plushie~ and cuddle me" Jaemin complained and pouted. 

"No" Renjun giggled cutely. He suddenly felt himself being lifted. Jeno lifted him and put him on the kitchen counter, like a little baby swaying his legs of the counter. 

"You are being a bad baby" Jeno said, renjun pouted and crossed his arms. Jeno leaned in and started kissing him all over his face. 

Renjun never smiled this genuinely before. He was so happy. Renjun told both of them, why he got the scars and about his father. Jeno and Jaemin had this idea, of getting his father to jail. Renjun would argue with his father and Both of them would take pictures and recordings for evidence. 

After abou two weeks they showed the pictures to the police officer and he had told that they would need to show the pictures to the court. 

After visiting the court and doing what they had to do, His father got a lifetime jail for hurting his own kid and murdering his own wife. 

"Omg, Move your leg Donghyuck" 

"You move it!" 


There were 18 people in Renjun's house, They all were watching movies. Yuta, winwin, chenle, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Jisung, Mark, Donghyuck, renjun, jeno, jaemin, Kun, johnny, ten lucas, Jungwoo, Doyoung, Taeil. 

All of them had become very good friends and called themselves NCT. Some of them already in a relationship, some of them crushing on each other, some of them single and not crushing. 

"Soo.. Jaehyun Hyung. You had to ask something to Taeyong Hyung" Haechan being the devil he is, asked and smirked at Jaehyun. Taeyong looked at Jaehyun in KUNfusion, while Jaehyun looked Nervous as hell. 

"U-um yea-yeah. Let's go outside" Jaehyun said standing up, While Taeyong was beyond confused but got up. 

All of them being cuties, devils and naughty Hid behind the door to listen to the conversation. 

"U-um Ta-taeyong. Can w-we b-e m-more than um friends? Lee Taeyong will you be my boyfriend?" Jaehyun said sweating a little, while Taeyong looked at Jaehyun with shock. 

'I-its ok i-if you say n-no, i dont want u-s to lo-se our f-frien-" Jaehyun was cut of by Taeyong kissing him. 

"I would love too" Taeyong said smiling. 

"YAY!!!" All of them screamed while Jaehyun and Taeyong blushed. 

(A/N: Sorry JaeYong is my fav ship, wanted to include a little of them)

"Wanna sleep injun?" Renjun nodded

Renjun, jeno and Jaemin slept cuddling each other. 

"Thank you for everything"

Thank You for Everything- NoRenMinWhere stories live. Discover now