Part 7- MarkHyuck special

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Flashback: To the project!

"Mark and Haechan" The teacher called out the pairs for the project. Mark instantly blushed, he didn't think he would be partners for his all time crush. 

Mark and Haechan sat next to each other to discuss about the project. They were just sitting in awkward silence.....

"Um....So, I am haechan. 18 years old, I love cuddles and ice cream!" Haechan said the last part very excitedly with a smile brighter than the sun. Mark just cooed at the younger, and chuckled. 

You love cuddles huh?  Mark thought 

"Names Mark lee, 19 years old. I love rapping and dancing" Mark said to haechan who nodded. 

"So.. Can you come to Renjun's house? My mom is out for the weekend, so my house is messy and there isn't a lot of food" 

"Sure, My bear"

"M-my bear?"

"Your new nickname..Like it?" 

Haechan just nodded. The bell rang and the two males got out of class. But Mark is the popular student, with Girls asking him out frequently. 

"Heyy Mark" A girl cam up to them and started swirling her her, while her other hand was on her waist. Mark just rolled his eyes, he was used to this.

"No" Mark simply said used to this. Haechan was just confused on what was going on. 

"Why? Come on" The girl now grabbed his hands, and mark swung her arm away. 

"I am already taken, SO NO" Mark was so used and annoyed to this, he had to reject atleast 4-5 girls each day he came to school. Haechan had now understood what was happening.  

"By whom, this little disgusting boy?" The girl spat and pointed to the boy. Mark was now angry as ever, he was shooting bullets from his eyes. 

"DON'T YOU FUCKING CALL HIM 'DISGUSTING', HE IS THE CUTEST. THE MOST FUNNIEST PERSON I HAVE EVER KNOWN. YOU CALL HIM THAT ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, I WILL MAKE SURE NO ONE EVER FUCKING DATES YOU!" Mark yelled, causing students to gather around. Haechan had just blushed, he didn't know anyone thought of him like that.  

"OH, so it is HIM. But i need proof, that y'all are dating." The girl smirked, Mark just scoffed. 

"I DON'T FUCKING NEED TO GIVE YOU PROOF" Mark yelled again, causing the students to 'boo' at them. 

"KISS" "KISS" "KISS" The students  yelled gathering around. Mark was now, VERY annoyed of this. So he turned to haechan and kissed him. He could say sorry later, and hopefully still be friends with him. 

Haechan POV 


The kiss was so smooth and it felt safe. So i kissed back. It was my first kiss. His lips were so SOFT!

third person POV 

Mark looked a little shocked after we broke the kiss but didn't show it. The girl stomped her feet and left, embarrassed and angry.  Haechan was a Blushing mess, even though he didn't like mark. But his heart told him too. It was a feeling he couldn't understand right now. 

"Haechan-ah, Sorry.. I am really sorry. I get these confessions daily, and i was tried, so i had to tell the school that i was taken. I am sorry" Mark said almost wanting to cry, he didn't know if he would lose the love of his life in matter of seconds. But he had at least gotten a kiss back from him. 

"Hyung, I-it's okay. I understand" Haechan replied with a smile brighter than the sun, No Wonder he's called 'full sun'.  

"really?" Mark said and received a hum as a response. 

{Time skip}

It had been a week after the kiss, Haechan realised his feelings for mark. Both of them went on 'friendly dates' and got to know each other better. Both of them still thinking about how to confess. 

The kiss was felt very safe to haechan, he just knew that his heart belonged to one person, MARK LEE. 

Mark was currently at the rooftop of school, even though it was night. But stargazing seemed a good idea. The sky looked so beautiful from the roof of the school. 

"Markie" Haechan called out, and back hugged mark. Mark turned around and was in awe. Haechan wore something that looked so cute on him. 

"You look so CUTE!" Mark exclaimed ruffling Huyck's hair and pinching his cheeks, which were now light pink shade

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"You look so CUTE!" Mark exclaimed ruffling Huyck's hair and pinching his cheeks, which were now light pink shade. 

"Sit down, we are gonna watch the sky today!" Mark told while sitting down next to haechan on the blanket. 

After a while of talking and star gazing, Mark saw haechan hand beside his. He was nervous but he did it anyway, he held haechan hand in his. Haechan was a little taken back, but didn't mind it. He had always dreamt of star gazing with his partner/friends.  

"Haechan, i-i need to tell you something" Mark said looking at the boy's side profile. 

How is he so beautiful?  Mark thought 

Haechan nodded as a reply. It was now or never right?

"I-i like you" Mark blurted out, and haechan just looked at him shock. Mark's heart was beating at 100 km/second right now, He started sweating, he closed his eyes to calm down but it didnt work. 

He offically calmed down, when he felt someone's lips on his. He was shocked for a second but kissed back. He didn't even need to open his eyes, he could tell his lips anytime. 

"I like you too, hyung" Haechan said when he pulled away. Both of them never felt  happier. 

"OMG, Channie" A voice said, Haechan could recognize that voice anywhere. 

"Shut up, injun" 

"OMGGGGGGG" Renjun was screaming like a middle school fangirl, who just met their favourite idol. 

"Mark, my bro!" Another voice called out, Jung Jaehyun. 

"Jung, shut UP" Mark said clearly annoyed of his friends teasing them. 

"Hello, i am Jaehyun. you must be haechan. He would never stop talking about the kiss both of you had last week." Jaehyun blurted out, laughing. 

The four of them talked and decided that mark's friends and Haechan's friends will meet at lunch tomorrow. 

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