Part 2

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After school ended for Chenle and Jisung, they visited Renjun. Haechan opens the door and sees them and grabs them to renjun's room.

"Moominie, Are you okay?" Jisung and Chenle say in unison and runs to hug Renjun.

"I am okay Chenle and jisung. " Renjun asks smiling.

"Let's watch a movie or do school work?"

"School work then movie" Renjun says while smiling, all three of them start doing their homework.

After 2 hours and 5 minutes break in between, they finished and sat down on renjun's bed. Haechan on one of the edges of the bed with Renjun beside him. Beside Renjun Chenle sits and next to Chenle, Jisung sits.

All of the fall asleep while watching the movie halfway through. Eventually, they all wake up with a phone ringing. It was Chenle's phone

"Hello?" Chenle says

"Where are you?" someone on the other end of the line says

"I am coming home now, mom. I was at renjun's. Is it fine if Jisung stay's for the night?" Chenle asks hoping the answer as a yes.

"Yes, he can stay over." Chenle's mom replies back and hangs up the phone.

"Sorry injunie, we have to leave now. Come on Jisungie" Chenle says and gives a apologetic look to Renjun

"Its okay, Have fun" Renjun says with a smirk and a wink.

"Renjunie, I'll have to leave too. My mom must be waiting for me." Haechan says and hugs his friend.

"Bye Channie, Thanks" Renjun says as Haechan leaves and waves a bye to Renjun. 


Renjun POV

Next morning, i woke up to my alarm ringing and sun shining brightly. I stood up and my back wasn't hurting anymore. So I brushed and bathed. After 30 minutes I was done and went downstairs to eat something.

"Good morning, Renjun" My dad said behind me, I got startled and jumped panting.

"G-Good morning dad" I said putting a handover my chest still panting

"Is your back okay? I am sorry" My dad said. But I wasn't surprised he always does this. He hits me and says sorry the next day.

"Nope, doesn't hurt anymore. It's okay dad" I reply back and smile.I sit down to eat and leave for school. I see Haechan walking by.

"Channie!" I call out, He sees me and smiles.

"Injunie, we are late. Hurry!" Haechan grabs my hand and walks faster.

We reach school in 5 minutes and go to our classes, we both had the same classes today.

"Hello everyone. Today, I am assigning a 2-3 team assignment-" Mr. Byun was interrupted by the classes groaning. "Shh! You have this whole month to prepare a very nice piece of art that represents nature and animal relationship. I will be announcing the teams now." I and Haechan gave each other a ad and hopeful look, hoping they would be with each other.

"Kai and Taemin

Lucas and jungwoo

Haechan and Mark

Taeyong and Jaehyun

Chenle and Jisung

Yuta and WinWin and Taeil 

Johnny and Ten

Xiaojun, hendery and Yangyang

Renjun, Jaemin and Jeno 

(A/N: These are some of my fav ships from NCT, Please STAN!)

Please cooperate and work nicely, you may go to your partners and discuss your project, thank you" Mr Byun finished his speech and everyone looked at their partners.

I and Haechan give each other apologetic looks before interacting with our partners.

My partners come to my table with their chairs and I see a black-haired boy and a blue-haired boy sitting.

"Hey, I am Renjun" I say and smile at them.

"Hello, I am Jaemin" The black-haired boy says and smiles at me.

His smile is so cute. Wait what? Renjun focus

"Hello, I am Jeno" The blue-haired boy smiles and his smile causes me to burst my UwU's. His eye smile is so cute!

What am I thinking, argh. Renjun FOCUS!

"So... Whose house are we going to and what time?" I ask nodding a little.

"Yours? Any time you like" Jeno says as Jaemin nods agreeing with what jeno said. 

"So... Whose house are we going to and what time?" I ask nodding a little.

"Yours? Any time you like" Jeno says as Jaemin nods agreeing with what Jeno said.

"Is today after school fine with you?" I say as I don't want to do anything on the weekends.

"Sure" Both of them say and nod

"So...Can we exchange numbers? Incase?" I ask feeling a little awkward, while they just nod and give me their numbers.

'{Arts Project}' Renjun made a group called that so they could discuss anything they wanted.

Time skip to lunch

"Haechan, How did it go with your partner? What was his name?" I asked Haechan as we took food and sat down at a table.

"It was Fine, Mark seemed nice. Can we do the project at your place, after school? How was it with your partners? " Haechan said eating a piece of chicken and some rice.

"Sure, Jaemin and Jeno, my partners are also coming to my house after school. It was good." Renjun said smiling

"Ohh, we all can meet then," Haechan said as both of them finished their lunches.

"Yup" Renjun replied nodding. "I'll go get my stuff from the classroom, I need to bring it home for the project. Bye Channie" He said as left for the classroom sprinting not looking up, and while bumping into someone.

"Oh, I am so sorry" He said as he looked up to see Jaemin. "Sorry Jaem, didn't see where I was going"

I didn't realize until after a while want I had said and gasped.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to call you that." I apologized immediately and Jaemin just laughed and said something that shocked me.

"It's okay, injunie"

I just nodded and left to go to the classroom. 

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