Part 9

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All three boys arrived, the store filled with moomin plushie's. Renjun's eyes glowed and his face became so bright. He jumped and clapped feeling so excited. 

"Can we please buy the whole store, jeno?" Renjun asked pouting, while jeno chuckled

"No, injun. Pick out 5 plushie's. I'll buy them for you" Jeno said and renjun hugged jeno tightly thanking him. 

Renjun couldn't select which one he wanted , he went to each isle hugging almost each tightly. After 1 hour he selected them. Jeno and Jaemin were not tired, instead seeing the cuteness in renjun they realise how precious he is. 

"Thank you so much, Jeno and Jaemin" Renjun said hugging them again, while Jeno ruffled his hair and jaemin hugged the boy back. 

"Your welcome, bub" Jeno and Jaemin said giving renjun a nickname. Renjun didn't mind though. 

All of them went home. Renjun wanted to figure out his feelings towards these two boys, he needed help from someone. But forgot about it and load on his bed closing his eyes. 

"Hello son" A voice said 

"M-mom? i missed you s-so much" Renjun said hugging her while crying. His mom broke the hug and kneeled down and cleaned the stars with her thumb.

"Son, i missed you too. you are the strongest person i know, injun. I am very proud of you, i am watching you from above. Those two boys will keep you safe renjun. They are very nice. I know you have been confused but they are very nice and sweet, don't lose them." His mom said

"I won't mom, i won't. If you approve, I will not lose them. They will help me to get father out of my life." Renjun said 

"Yes son, i approve. They will make you feel safe. I just wanted to say, i LOVE you renjun, never forget that. You are the strongest person i know. I wish i could be there for you as a strong mother, but i couldn't please do forgive me.  

"I forgive you mom, But pls tell me you will keep visiting me" Renjun said and his mom nodded

"I will go now son, please take care of yourself. I am very proud of you, and i love you A LOT" His mom said as she disappeared. 

Renjun sprung up and sat up. He was crying endlessly. 

"I love you too mom, i will never make you ashamed" Renjun said deciding that he will confess to Jeno and Jaemin.

"I will confess to both of you, sorry for keeping you waiting" Renjun said going back to sleep. 

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