Part 6- Chensung Special

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Chenle and Jisung were sitting on the roof, Snuggling close to each other. Jisung had his head laid on chenle's chest. Chenle had his arms on the body. They looked so cute from far. 

"Omg, my Otp!" Donghyuck whisper-yelled to renjun. Renjun replied with a 'ikr'. 

Chenle had his mind on asking jisung too be his boyfriend. While, Jisung had his mind on asking chenle to be his boyfriend.

"Jisung" "Chenle" Both of the boys chuckled as they said it at the same time. 

"You go first" Jisung said you chenle, Chenle got nervous. He sat up and so did Jisung, confused. 

"U-uh Ji-jisung, my little baby ch-chick, my best friend, my game partner. We both have fought, we both have argued. But it doesn't mean that i love you any less. I loved everything about you. Your little pout, your whining, your plushie. I Loved being your friend, bu-but i would like if w-we could be something more? Will y-you b-be my boy friend, Jisung pwark" Chenle finally said nervous, his heart was beating so fast that he was sure jisung could hear it, His lips trembling, His hands shaking. 

Jisung just started crying, he was too overwhelmed, He never knew what he was about to do, chenle did.  

"I-I like you too chenle" Jisung finally managed to breathe out, Chenle's face instantly snapped up 

"Really?" Jisung nodded and both of them just stared at each other. Chenle started leaning in. The gap was so close that they could feel their breathe's on each others lips. They closed the gap and kissed lovingly. 

"OH MY FUCKING GOD" Donghyuck screamed as they watched Chensung kissed. Chenle instatly pulled away and blushed a deep shade of red. 

"What The frick are y-you guys doing h-herE?" Chenle said, as Donghyuck and renjun squealed like middle school fangirls. 

"We didn't want to attend class , they we saw you all cuddled up and so we decided to wait and saw you confess. I raised them so well." Donghyuck said wiping his fake tears. 

"Oh. shut up, drama queen" Chenle said, and looked over to jisung who was still a blushing mess. chenle cooed at his boyfriend blushing. 

"You are so cute, when you blush!" Chenle said interweing hands with jisung, and got a hit on the chest as a answer. 

"You now, you y'all disgustingly cute" Donghyuck said rolling his eyes. 

"Hyuck, shh. Let them have their moment. You can go cuddle mark or whatever later" Renjun said, closing his mouth immediately, saying a quick 'sorry'. While, th older just glared at the other. 

"Why mar- Omg! Hyuck! Markhyuck!" 

"Shut up lele, You better not spill. Otherwise, i might kill you." 

All of them spent time talking and eventually went to classes. Once classes were over, they all went home. 

Donghyuck POV

Donghyuck has added 'bby chick' (Jisung)

Donghyuck has added 'dolphin' (cHENLE)

Donghyuck has added 'EyeSmiLe' (Jeno)

Donghyuck has added 'sOSexc' (Jaemin)

Donghyuck has added 'mOrK' (Mark)

Donghyuck has added 'Moomin' (renjun)


We y'all should meet!


Sure! :D


Sure! :D


Do you do whatever Jeno does?


Yup :D, I wanna meet injunie again :D


Not mee ? :[


Of course, but i see you every day bby 🥰


Sure, My bear 🐻


Sure! "My bear" 😏😏


He calls me baby lion so i call him 'my bear' ...?


"MY bear" 😏😏 (Emphasis on the 'my')


SHUT UP, moomin!



bby chick



I wont be able to write big chapter a lot, since school is killing me. Sorrrryyyy 


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