Part 4

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Third person pov

"R-r-renjun?" Jaemin said still frozen on the spot, While jeno was also frozen. 

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" Renjun said, so that Jaemin and Jeno think he hadn't heard their conversation. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but when he saw Jeno and Jaemin he wanted to go to them but stopped when he heard Jeno say that he liked Renjun. 

"H-How long hav-have you been here? Jeno umm" Jaemin looked at Jeno for approval and Jeno just nodded. 

"Jeno had asked me out and now we are dating..." Renjun knew this but couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. He doesn't know why he felt weird or jealous towards them but shrugged them off.  

"I just arrived. I saw you guys, so i thought i would come talk to you" Renjun said smiling, and walking to sit over on the bench. Jaemin and Jeno sighed a breath of relief, knowing renjun didn't hear anything. 

They all sat in comfortable silence as all three of them swayed their legs, while hearing the owls hoot and river flowing quietly. 

"Omg renjun! I have an idea!" Jeno said breaking the silence and looked over too the other as renjun nodded signaling him to continue.  

"Can we all go to the coffee shop tomorrow, we can get to know each other more?" Jeno said smiling and jaemin also looked at renjun and smiled. Renjun knew they were doing this because they liked him, he was in KUNfusion. But his father will come early from work tomorrow, he has to take his permission first. 

"U-uh, I'll ask m-my dad first" Renjun said looking down. While, The couple were confused on why he had to ask his dad for permission. But they didn't ask. 

"Ok, You can text us if u want to join. Bye now~" Jeno said while waving and getting up with Jaemin. Renjun just smiled and waved back, He was so Kunfused on how they are a couple but both of them still like him. He got up and went to his house to sleep, not wanting to think about this anymore. 


Jeno POV

I woke up too the sun shining brightly on my windows, and birds chirping and singing sweetly. I felt heavy on my stomach. I opened my eyes to see a boy with a cute little pout and messy hair, Jaemin. He couldn't look any more cuter. When,  His lips turned to a smirK. I gasped. 

"You aren't sleeping, are you?" I asked and he slowly opened his eyes rubbing them with his hands. 

"Nope, I caught you staring" Jaemin teased me with his morning voice, which b the way is so cute and hot. I just blushed and turned away and got up. 

"Good morning, I am going to freshen up" I told him and pecked him on the cheek. He pouted and i just giggled. 

"Morning"  still pouting, angry about the fact i didn't kiss him on the lips. I went inside the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Spitting out the tooth paste and rinsing my mouth, i got into the shower. Letting the warm water run through my body. 

{Jaemin POV}

I waited on the bed to use the bathroom, after jeno comes out. He is taking so long so i was using my phone. 

"You can use the bathroom now" Jeno said going to the closet, But what made me stuck in my place was that, He was SHIRTLESS. I tried not to stare but, failed miserably. 

"Nana?" Jeno said with a smirk and i just blushed and ran to the bathroom, hearing a giggle from Jeno. 

After i was done using the bathroom, i took the clothes Nono gave me and i went down to make breakfast. 

"What do you wanna eat~" I asked Jeno back hugging him. He was so warm and smelled so good. He snuggled into my touch and we ended up ordering and cuddling on the couch. 

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked pouting and sitting down on the couch with my arms on his stomach and face on his chest. I could get addicted to his smell. 

"Avengers? Endgame?" He said and i nodded almost falling asleep on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me a little up and kissed me on my hair. 

{Jeno POV}

I looked over to see Jaemin sleeping on my chest, he is such a cute little baby. 

(A/N: They look so cuteeee!)

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(A/N: They look so cuteeee!)

I heard a 'ping' sound from somewhere, I looked to the source it was my phone. I picked it up carefully, and saw a message from Renjun.


I can meet you in the same park today. At 6.


Ok, see you!

Jeno sighed, he was excited to get to know this boy, and he seemed interesting. He was very quiet in class and didn't speak much even though he is the topper of the class.

"Nana, wake up~" I whispered while shaking him slightly.

"What time is it?"

"5, We have to change. Injunie messaged me, he wants to meet at the park at 6."

"Ok" He said and we both got up to change.

(Time Skip to 6)

Third person POV

"Hey guys"  Renjun said to the two boy sitting on the bench holding hands.

"Renjunie, come sit" Jeno said smiling cutely, Renjun just giggled at the other boy's cuteness.

"How are you guys?"

"Good" The couple said in unison

"How about we play 21 dares?" Renjun suggested smiling, The other two nodded.

They played and talked. They had acted like they knew each other from ages ago. They talked for three hours and got to know each other more. Renjun felt a little weird but shrugged the feeling off.

Renjun yawned with his arms up, making the other boy's coo at the cuteness. When the sleeves fell down from wrists to the elbow, The other boy's frowned. It showed bruises and scars, recent ones too. Renjun noticed this and immediately put his hands and sleeves down.

"Are you gonna tell us about it?" Jaemin said still frowning, while Renjun just sighed and shook his head 'no'.

"We won't force you, but if you want to talk to anyone. We are here." Jeno said patting the other's shoulders while Renjun nodded his head and stood up.

"It's late, I am going home now. Bye guys, thank you" Renjun walked back, But he really meant the thank you. He never had this much fun in ages, not even with donghyuck. He never smiled this much. 

Thank You for Everything- NoRenMinWhere stories live. Discover now