Special Chapter!

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4 years later.... 

These Four years had been the best of Renjun's life. He never  complained about his life that was trash before. There is always hardships before goodships He thought. 

But This week, Jeno was acting very distant. Renjun and Jaemin were both worried, But Jaemin was always there for Renjun. Jeno used to be home very late, never used to sleep with them any longer. Jaemin grew tired for Jeno's act this past week and thought he should confront him. 

"Oh you're awake?" Jeno asked coming back home at 3pm,  seeing jaemin sitting on the couch. 

Jaemin sighed, he felt nothing but anger. 

"Do you know Renjun thinks you're cheating at us? Well, i wouldn't blame him, i think too. If you are, just tell us! You're acting so, distant and giving an excuse of work and coming back at 3 freaking pm, Jeno. Renjun is doing nothing but crying, he thinks he did something. Not for me, but be there for him, he doesnt deserve this." Jaemin looked at his boyfriend, in anger. Jeno had really broken Renjun. If one was not there for another, they would break. 

"Jaemin, My work is important. My boss is really annoying. I am sorry but, i am not making this an as excuse." Jeno snapped back. He just walked to his room and put his stuff down before Jaemin could reply. Jaemin was full on tears, he didn't like this Jeno. He suddenly felt a warm embrace. 

"It's okay, Nana~" Renjun whisper-sang walking to the shared room where all three of them sleep, though they have their own rooms. Jaemin and Renjun sat down on their bed and after some talking and crying , they slept. 

Jaemin and Renjun were just cuddling, when they got a text 

{Norenmin ❤️💕}


Come to my apartment


Nono, Is everythign fine? 


Yes na, Just come 


We'll be there in 20

"Jeno is calling us to his apartment" Jaemin said and Renjun instantly smiled and got up. Jaemin giggled at his cuteness and got up as well. After, they got dressed. They went to Jaemins car and drove to Jenos apartment. 

When they knocked, they met with Chenle who opened the door. 

"Chenle?" Jaemin asked clearly confused. Chenle shrugged and gave them blindfolds. They put it on and Chenle led them inside. 

When there blindfolds opened, they were in a room nicely decorated and flowers everywhere. Both of them were confused as hell. 

"Ahem" A voice behind them cleared their throat, They looked back and gasped. 





Are you so


Both of them were their with eyes widened and jaw dropped open. Jeno chuckled at their cuteness. 

"Jaemin, Renjun. Firstly, I want to say sorry, i know i messed up. I am sorry, renjun i made you cry, trust me that was the last thing i would want to do. Jaemin, I am sorry for shouting at you. I wasn't cheating on you, i would never. I was planning all this that is why i was distant and i am really sorry. NA Jaemin, Huang Renjun Will you marry me" Jeno said while kneeling down holding two rings with both his hands. 

Jaemin and Renjun got the biggest shock of their life and hugged Their husband. Jeno took their hands and put the rings. 

One had: RJ<3JM (Jeno was wearing)

Other had: JM<JN (Renjun was wearing)

Third one had: RJ<3JN (Jaemin was wearing)

"I love you both" 

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" All of their  pooped out with confetti and clapped. 

"Thank you, Jeno and Jaemin. I love you forever" 

Thank You for Everything- NoRenMinWhere stories live. Discover now