Chapter 32 : I'll have you in my arms

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24th April,

Melania woke up to a terrible headache, why am I feeling so thirsty ? Oh my God it's 9am, i need to get ready ! What the fuck, who's holding me !

Shes screamed, as she turned around

Melania : What the hell are you doing here Peter !!

Peter smiled as he opened his eyes : Good morning sunshine

Melania : What the hell are you doing here ? Why are we naked !!

Peter chuckled : We spend an amazing night darling


Peter : Mhhm trust me sweetie, we did everything

Melania looked at her body, she her breast were covered with hickeys, she panicked as she failed to remember what happened in the previous night

Melania : Tell me... This is a joke... Peter ?

Peter : Shall I remind you how you were moaning all the night ? And how you screamed when you came-

Melania slapped him : SHUT UP YOU SON OF BITCH !

Peter : Ow, Honey why are you angry ? You were happy last night

Melania burst into tears, what the fuck have I done, oh my god !  I cheated on my husband with my hot Bodyguard ! I'm officially a bitch now ! Oh my god, Poor Donald, he doesn't deserve this... He'll kill me !

Peter watched her as she sobbed, he felt guilty for making her going through this, he knew that she prefers to die than be a cheater, but after she rejected him, He was left with no other choice...

Peter : Please don't cry... That asshole cheated on you many times...

Melania through her sobs : He won't get over this... He'll be so hurt... Oh my god I'm a horrible person... This will kill him

Peter laughed ironically : Well he didn't care about your feelings when he cheated on you all this times ! You don't deserve this... you are a wonderful person , Why don't you give me a chance ! I love you Melania

Melania threw a pillow at him : Get the fuck out of my sight ! I hate you ! And I'll never be with you so get over it !

Peter decided to not push her more, so he left her alone as she cried all her tears

How am I gonna look at Donald ? I'm the first bitch of the US now ! Oh my god if Barron hears anything about this, he'll hate me !

I need to clean myself ! Oh my god I have to take a pill ! What if Peter impregnated me yesterday ?! It's okay I'll ask for the fucking pill, I need to calm down...


It was 7pm, when Melania arrived to the white house, her heart was beating so fast, she still anxious about what happened with Peter

She found Donald and Barron waiting for her in the garden, as soon as Barron saw her, he started running toward her

She hugged him tightly kissing the top of his head : I missed you baby boy

Barron kissed her cheek : I missed you too mom

Donald took her in his arms, then kissed her softly on the lips : My queen is finally here !

Melania smiled : How are you Don ?

Donald : I couldn't stop thinking about you, honey we need to talk as soon as possible... Cuz It's really killing me... I don't even know why you're mad at me !

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