Chapter 82 : My sweet babyboy

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Barron was having breakfast in his parents living room, when Amalia came out of the guests room

" Good morning Bubba ! "

" Good morning Babica ! Why did you sleep here ? Did you go on a fight with oçka ? "

Amalia laughed " No, I umm I just fall asleep while I was chatting with your mummy, and I was too tired to walk to my room " she lied hoping the teenager would buy it

" Really you never sleep away from grandpa ! There must be something else ! How old do you think I am ? I'm tired of you treating me like a baby ! "

Amalija smiled at her grandson
" You'll always be my little baby ! " she admitted " How did you sleep Barry ? "

" Not really bad, but I can see that you didn't sleep well " he said looking at his grandmother's tired face

She bit her lip, it's true she didn't get enough sleep, she kept checking on her daughter every two hours, and the poor thing was in a huge amount of pain
" Yeah, Umm Barron, I'm going to change my clothes, and see your grandfather, if your mother asks for me tell her I'll be back soon, okay ? "

" Okay, it's 9am, maybe I should wake her up thought ? "

" No ! Umm No just let her get some sleep she we had a late night yesterday! " she said " I'll be back soon "


Barron heard the door of the residency,
It's probably grandma...he thought

But to his surprise it was his father, Donald was all the time at his office or somewhere else away from them, he's been really distant in the last couple of weeks,

He smiled at his son
" Good morning buddy "

" Good morning " said the teenager still upset about his father's words of the previous night

" What are you doing here ? Don't you have class today ? " He Asked a little surprised, he didn't expect his son to be here

" No, I don't have class until 11am " said the teenager coldly

Donald understood that his son was probably mad at him, he sighed... he couldn't blame him

" Umm listen son, I know I went too far yesterday... I've said a horrible things to you, and I'm sorry for that " the president admitted

Barron finally looked at his father
" I'm sorry too, I was just curious and I wanted to be like my friends " Barron said

" Barron you should know... that the drugs are really nocif to your health, and once you get yourself into that shit you'll never get away from it, ans it can ruin your life! "

" What life dad ! They keep saying awful things about you and mom ! I'm so sick of it, I'm tired of people spreading lies about our family dad " Barron cried as angry tears were falling from his eyes

It broke Donald's heart to see his little boy so heartbroken, he hurried to him and hugged him tightly
" Let it out son " he murmured in his son's ear, crying will make him feel way better

" I just want them to stop bullying us dad " Barron said wiping his tears " I'm sorry, I'm a grown man now I shouldn't cry like a baby "

" Oh shut up, you will always be my little monster " said Donald with a chuckle

" I don't say it often, but I want you to know that I love you so much dad "

" Aw I love you too Bubba, and I'm so proud of you, even with the way they treated you, you've been strong with your head held high! You are really a mini Donald huh ? "

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