chapter 04 : bruises

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Arriving at the White house, Donald gets out of the car, Peter helps Melania walk,  he looks at her, she is too beautiful, her skin is very soft, her scent has haunted his mind, he has been working for a month for  her, Donald chooses him in person, due to his abilities, his size ... He is too strong, with his scary muscles, and his 1m90

He never liked The President but he was so bored after his divorce, his daughter was married in Paris, and his son found a new job in Texas, so he accepted the job

Suddenly Melania stopped walking, she squeezes his arm
Peter: Madam let's get you inside the house, your doctor is waiting-
Melania too weak and getting even paler: just just give me a minute,

He lifts her up and carries her in his arms, he takes her to his room, Barron saw them in the hallway,

Barron: Mum mum are you okay !?
Donald: She's gonna be ok don't worry son, she's just tired go to your room Barron please
Melania's doctor arrives, Peter joined the two Bodyguards who were watching melania's door,
Donald was sitting in a chair near the bed, watching the doctor as he was examining Melania ..

Doctor: Madam are you taking your treatment?
Melania: yes of course I am-

Donald shouting: yes she just doesn't eat knowing that she's a diabetic and she needs to eat!

Melania: I was in a hurry this morning we were late Don !

Doctor: you must eat well madam, and avoid stress, and you must rest, I will prescribe you vitamins and I will do blood tests, please take it easy for a few days !

Melania: Thank you doctor Benson

The doctor leaves the room, Melania and Donald are finally alone

Donald: lesten Mel, if you ever skip any breakfast, lunch or dinner, I won't Be too kind, do you understand?

Melania: is it your way of saying "babe take care of yourself"?

Donald: you know that I love you darling

Melania can't believe it how he can treat her so bad and tell her he loves her

Melania: do you love me?  Are you serious?  You are beating me for the stupidest thing, cheating on me and you say you love me?

Donald: I've cheated on you but you are the only one I love you are my everything, never forget that

Melania can't keep her tears from falling, she loved him too but she's tired of the beating, the shouting and covering the bruises every morning

Melania: I can't keep doing this ... this is too much, I think we should get a divorce Donald

Donald is surprised how dare she leave him, he can't believe what she's saying,

Donald: what the fuck are saying?  How dare you bitch!

  He grabbed her face violently, then slapped her hard, she cried in pain, then he grabbed her hair

Malania crying: You are hurting me, Donald please stop!

Donald shouting: You think that I can let you go?  You are my fucking wife Melania!

Melania: please let go of my hair Donald I'm sorry, I just..I thought that we can get a divorce just like you did with Ivana and Marla ..
Donald slapped her hard, she fell to the ground, she cried in pain
Donald: it's different Melania!  I fucking love you only YOU!  You're mine!  Did you hear me!  MINE!

He then left the room, leaving her on the floor crying all her tears ..
The three Bodyguards (Max, Tony and Peter) were watching the door, they heard everything their heart broke for The woman

Donald disappeared to his office,

Peter looked and Tony and Max

Peter in rage: we should check on her
Max: We can't do that it's unprofessional Peter!

Tony: I feel bad for her too, but we should stay out of this

Peter: What the hell is wrong with you!  We heard what he did to her!  And she's sick we have to-

Max: You are new here Peter, he's always..Umm .. violent with her, it's hard for us too, I mean she is a good person but he's the president, and he's our BOSS, we can't get involved ..

Peter: She's sick Max!  She's barely standing on her own, and that asshole has the heart to lay a hand on her!  I'm going in!

Tony: go ahead man, we are covering you

Max: yeah go check on her body

Peter was so grateful to them, he went to check on Melania, he enters her room, what he found broke his heart, she was sitting on the floor her face on the bed, sobbing ...

Peter: Madam ..

Melania jumped, she turned around and faced him, she attempted to wipe her tears,

Peter: it's ok madam I .. we .. I heard everything, I'm so sorry, I didn't stop him

Melania smiled, this the first time someone has the courage to speak about her husband's violence, she was always facing the concerning looks from the people working for them ... Reminding her that they knew which was so humiliated ..

Melania: Thank you Peter..but I'm ok, I can handle this, I'm used to this actually, I had no choice

Peter: madam let me fix your wounds, your face is bruising

Melania turned to see her reflection in the mirror, she was shocked how is she going to meet people like this, this time her make up artist won't be able to cover the bruises

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