Chapter 41 : I'll be there for you

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Today, President Donald Trump repaid Robert, the brother who had always been loyal to him, by hosting a funeral in the East Room of the White House... All the Trumps were gathered to bid him farewell...

Melania felt really bad for Donald, she knew how much Robert meant to him, and just by the look on her husband's face, she could see all the sadness he was feeling...

She knew that he was mad at her, and he probably hates her right now, but he needs her more than ever, and she won't let him down, she prayed he wouldn't reject her

She gathered her courage and grabbed his hand softly as they took his brother away, and to her surprise he held her hand tightly,

Her heart broke when he squeezed her hand, as they were taking his brother away... she saw that he was holding his tears, she wanted to tell him that it was okay to cry, but she knew that he would never let the haters see his weakness...


After the fulneral, Donald disappeared, Melania wanted to go after him, but it was rude to leave their guests alone, she spotted her stepchildren in the corner of the room ,

" Guys i have to look after your father, do you think you can handle the guests while I'm gone ? " She asked hesitantly, she wasn't in good terms with Ivanka and Eric, but she was sure That Junior and Tiffany would help her

" Of course we can ! He really needs you right now, try to be there for him as much as you can..." Pleaded Junior

" Yeah, just go Melania, we will take care of the guests " Said Ivanka

Melania nodded, then she headed to Kimberly, who was sitting with her Son Ronan, and Barron

Melania : " Hey Kim, can you keep an eye on Barron ? My parents are busy catching up with Iness and Denis, and there is a crazy crowd in here so..."

Kimberly smiled gently : " Of course I can ! And look at our boys... They are having an interesting conversation about video games in a funeral ! "

Melania laughed : " Well... What do you expect from two teenagers ? "

Barron : " Hey mom can I go with Ronan to my residence ? I wanna show him my new video game ! We are really bored in here ! "

Melania : " Honey... Can you show some respect to your late uncle ! Or at least to your father's feelings ! "

Barron : " Sorry mom... How is dad ? I saw him crying this morning in his office... Is he gonna be okay ? "

Melania : " It's really hard for him Bubba... You see how much you care about your brothers and sisters ? Losing a sibling is one of the most devastating things... But we'll be there for your father, now I need you to stay with Ronan and Kimberly... Okay ? "

Barron nodded politely : " Okay mom, can you give dad a big hug for me ? "

Melania smiled at her son " I will bubba "


After looking for him in all the white house, they told her that he was at the terrace... she found him there standing alone, looking at the blue sky

She turned to Max and made eye contact with him, he instantly nodded

The middle aged man turned to Tony, and Donald's secret service men : " Come on gentlemen, let's give the first couple some privacy..."

One of Donald's secret service men interrupted him : " I'm sorry but it's too risky, the white house is filled with guests ! "

" I know... But I need to speak to my husband in private, he just lost his loyal brother and it's really hard for him... just give us twenty minutes alone, please ? " She pleaded

The man nodded, and joined the other bodyguards, Max and Tony shared a knowing smile, no one can resist Melania's Sweet- puppy eyes...

Melania approached her husband slowly, she didn't want to disturb him

She was startled when he spoke :

" You came..." He said quietly

" Do you have eyes at the back of your head ? " She smiled

" It's your smell... I can distinguish it between a thousand perfumes..." He said

She took a deep breath, standing next to him, joining him as he kept looking at the sky

" How do you feel, Don ? " She asked tenderly

" I'm doing very well, and you ? " He said

She turned to him : " just tell me how do you really feel... I know it must be terrible for you... "

He looked at her, and surprisingly he moved his hand to move a lock of hair from her face : " I feel orphaned again... But I... I know I'll be okay... " He faked a smile

She grabbed his hand softly : " Don... Grief is a natural and normal reaction to loss... It is a physical, emotional, spiritual, social and psychological response.... You need to understand that grief is not a sign of weakness or a lack of faith... You grieve because you have loved ! Didn't you love him ? "

" I can't imagine my life without him... He was always my backbone, he has always been supporting me even when I had nothing... He kept believing in me even when I screwed up... How am I going to keep going without him by my side Mel ? " He cried

His tears broke her heart, she wished she could take all his pain away, because Donald Trump rarely cries...

" I know baby, It will be hard... It will hurt you for awhile... And even if he's gone... He'll always be alive deep down in your heart... You'll be okay, honey, I'll be there for you " she said hugging him tightly as he sobbed in her chest...


After Diner, Melania was getting ready for bed, she was thinking about Her conversation with Donald at the terrace, she couldn't help but smile : He's letting me in.. even after what I've done to him, he still need me I really have to be there for him... She thought

She laid next to her husband, and turned to face him

" What are you thinking about Love ? " She asked softly

" You think I was a good brother to him ? " He asked

" Oh honey... Of course you were ! Why are you asking such a question ? "

" I don't know... I just keep thinking about him, what if I hurt him unintentionally ? What if he needed my help or something ? Oh god Mel... It's killing me..." He whispered agonizingly

" Hey hey, Donald look at me ! " She said firmly

When he looked at her, she saw how broken he was

" You're a wonderful brother to your siblings ! And Robert adored you honey... And wherever his soul is resting, I'm sure that he's delighted to have had you as a brother... " She reassured him

He nodded his head, and wrapped his arms around her

" I love you..." He murmured

She felt the tears forming in her eyes,
after all what happened she didn't expect to hear him say that again...

" I love you too Donald " she said, as she laid her head on his heart, listening to his heartbeats...

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