Chapter 68 : Helping Kimberly

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The next day, the family was waiting for the first couple to arrive, so they can start their lunch in the big garden,

" I wonder what they are doing ! What took them so long ! " Groaned Eric annoyingly

" Oh trust me Eric we don't want to know ! " Laughed Kimberly

" Babica didn't mom tell you that she'll meat us here soon ? What is she doing right now ! "

" Do you want me to tell you handsome ? " Teased Kimberly as Barron's eyes lightened up as soon as she called him handsome

" Kim ! Don't poison my brother's innocence ! " Laughed Junior

" Oh look ! They are here " said Amalia

The first couple joined their family on the table

" We are so sorry guys, his highness had an importing phone call, and I had to wait for him " said Melania clearly annoyed with the fact that  her husband is always busy

" It's okay we understand, don't worry about it " said Lara smiling

" Thank you Lara, But it seems like my gorgeous wife is moody today " said Donald smirking

" Well maybe if you tried to care about me more I wouldn't be so angry ! " Said Melania angrily

" Honey I'm sorry, but It's not my fault I'm just busy lately and- "

" Umm guys maybe you should speak about this in private, and you can solve it easily " said Tiffany

" Oh sweetie I don't even have the pleasure to see him ! He's always in his office ! And he's sleeping at his bedroom at night ! "

" Melania ! I just don't want to disturb your sleeping ! You know that I hate sleeping away from you, but I finish my work at 1 am ! And i have to get up at 6 am ! " Said Donald angrily

" Yeah whatever ! " Mumbled Melania as she played with her food

" Good luck Donald ! You're in big trouble, you know when she does that face and- " started Viktor but he was interrupted by the president

" And she sulks like that... Oh trust me I know all the details about your gorgeous daughter " said Donald before kissing her hand

Melania couldn't help but smile at him " I'm still mad at you "

" And I'm still in love with you..." Smirked Donald

" As you should " she smiled hitting his shoulder

" You are so cute together " said Jared

" And hot " said Kimberly

" You should see us in our swimsuits ! I'm hotter than her " said Donald making everyone laughing
After lunch Melania decided to speak to Kimberly about Kai...

Melania : " Umm Kimberly, do you wanna go on a walk with me ? "

Kimberly looked at her surprisingly : " I didn't know you were Allowed to leave the castle your majesty ! "

Melania rolled her eyes as she heard her stepchildren laughing : " We can walk in the White house's garden..."

Kimberly stood up excitedly : " Okay, but can you walk on your high heels ? "
" Oh if course she can, you should worry about yourself Guilfoyle ! " Said Donald smirking before kissing Melania's fingers, he moved closer to her, and whispered in her ear " You've no idea how I've missed you baby "

She smiled before whispering back in his ear " Maybe you can show me later ? "

She giggled as He hold back a moan, " I'll make sure to show you tonight baby " he whispered before kissing her neck

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